Can I Lose Weight Eating 2000+ Calories Per Day?

I'm just making sure I have this concept right... I calculated my BMR to be about 1500 calories and TDEE to be about 2100 with a few different calculators.

I'm 19 years old
144-152 pounds (depending on which scale I use, so I'm not really sure)
Exercise about 5 days a week ranging anywhere from 30-60 minutes of cardio and strength.

I set MFP at 1600 calories to make sure that I'm eating more than my BMR on any given day, even if I don't exercise. I have been burning anywhere from 350-550 calories per day doing 40-60 minutes of cardio, (according to my Polar HM). So I have been eating over 2000 calories each day (depending on how much I exercise). I will still lose weight though because my NET is around 1600 right?

Thanks for the help!


  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I estimate your BMR as 1300-1400 and TDEE at 1800-1900, so netting 1600 should put you in the "half pound a week" ballpark.
  • MP022012
    MP022012 Posts: 9 Member