Fibromyalgia: POSITIVITY & support

Hi all!

I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 8 years ago. I tried the traditional route of medications and little activity, but kept feeling worse. Early 2013, I decided to take things into my own hands. I changed my life considerably. Cleaned up my eating habits, removed NEGATIVE people from my life, and committed to a fitness program. I decided to focus on the CAN rather than the CAN'T because with fibro, it's all too easy to focus on what we can't do.

I could barely make it up a flight of stairs when I started, but I was determined to change that. And change that I did. Since starting my first program, I've completely gotten rid of fibromyalgia. I have hiked to the summit of 2 13,000 foot mountains, I am incredibly active, exercise daily, eat clean, and have no symptoms.

I wanted to create a thread that is about what is possible. That focuses on positivity and support for one another. I share my story to prove that it CAN be done. Fibro warriors have to stick together. Let's connect and keep each other focused on the positive.

:smile: Wendy


  • kwantlen2051
    kwantlen2051 Posts: 455 Member
    I'm in for positive change :)
  • I'm in for positive change :)

    Welcome! It looks like you're doing great in your journey. What type of exercise/nutrition has worked for you?

    Looking forward to sharing positivity with you :smile: