When you binge, what's for dinner?



  • Adrasteis
    Adrasteis Posts: 110 Member
    I eat a light dinner, usually a salad and fruit. Those Shortbread GS Cookies are dangerous, I'm dreading my husband bringing them home lol
  • CorinneyJ
    CorinneyJ Posts: 11 Member
    Just because you've fallen off the boat a little, doesn't mean you're drowning. I'm agree that you you should eat a light, sensible dinner and start over tomorrow. New day, new goals, stronger will power! You got this! =oD
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    I agree with the others... Log it honestly and accurately and if you're hungry, not if you just having cravings to eat but if you're truly hungry just stick with high protein. You are right, you don't want to starve your body just because you went over earlier in the day. And yeah, plenty of water and movement helps e.g., walking, running, dancing or even just puttering around for a few hours cleaning, laundry, etc. We all have those "Hungry and binge days". Tomorrow is a new day. :smile:
  • CorinneyJ
    CorinneyJ Posts: 11 Member
    I like the way you think!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    So it's 1:37 pm right now, around lunchtime. I haven't binged in a while, but I had two containers of Girl Scout Cookies a bit too close and well, one csn only have so much self control. Needless to say, I just ate more calories in one sitting than I should have for an entire day (and I already ate today, so oops). I had 26 cookies (13 caramel delites and 13 peanut butter patties... aka, the "new" samoas and tagalongs for those not aware of the recent change), which was 1,690 calories... oddly not as much as I would have thought, especially with how sick I feel now xD My maintenance is set for 1,600 calories, and I'm already 642 over for the day. When this happens, what do you guys usually do for dinner? Eat it or skip it? I feel like I should eat some protein, but about how many calories should I save for that? I haven't done this in so long.... normally I'd be ashamed, but it's girl scout cookies >.> You can't do this too often!

    what are your stats to maintain at 1600 cals?
  • hgycta
    hgycta Posts: 3,013 Member
    Tavistock, what do you mean by stats? Like, the carb/fat/protein ratio? Myfitnesspal recommends I consume 220 carbs, 26 fat, and 60 protein. I always try to go over for the protein though, and try not to sweat the others as much as long as I hit 1,600.

    I really appreciate everyone's input though, you all have been incredibly helpful and inspiring! I ended up having tuna instead, straight of the can (without mayo/bread) since I wasn't too hungry, with some spinach on the side. I felt a little bloated this morning, but I'm starting to feel better as my body is adjusting back to where it should be. Curse certain foods for being so tempting, I can't believe I was so bad after promising myself last year I'd never binge on them again after how sick I got haha xD I was just CRAVING sweets ALL day. Maybe it was random cravings, maybe it was because I was a little nervous for my first day back at college today. But everything is well again, the cravings have gone on a vacation for the time being!

    I hope you are all doing well and have more self control than me ;)