What cardio can I do that is not too hard on the legs?



  • ashenriver
    ashenriver Posts: 498 Member
    You don't have to know how to swim to do a very complete workout in the pool. I do alot of jogging in the pool at least a 30 minutes 5 times a week. I am very heavy , I could not jog on dry land. But I have worked very hard in water. Have lost 3 inches and 10 lbs in 3 weeks. All water workouts

    Suggesting for others who may have access to a pool

    One of the pools I go to in the city has walking lanes.
    Another has a lazy river section. There are usually adults in there walking around
  • kazzsjourney2goal
    kazzsjourney2goal Posts: 56 Member
    Boxing - focus on upper body not kicks etc
  • thatonegirlwiththestuff
    I second the rowing. All other cardio equipment, at least at my gym, require heavy use of the legs. Rowing involves mostly upper body work.
  • AnnACnd
    AnnACnd Posts: 72 Member
    I'm recovering from a running injury and I've been biking a lot. It's not 'hard' on the legs although it gives them a good work out :)