low blood sugar- what diet tips are out there?

Got low blood sugar and I am finding it very hard to lose weight. I have started to exercise after about four years of f. have a very stressful job and family life. I have gained 8 to 10 lbs. and that does not seem like a lot but for me it is hugh. I know my meds contribute. Any suggestions?


  • Oranda
    Oranda Posts: 121
    I have times (especially at work) where I will get low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). I've been told - and I find it works, that snacking throughout the day helps to keep blood sugar levels stable. Also eating certain fruit helps. Strawberries are great for slowly released sugar while grapes are aweful because they spike your blood sugar then you crash (processed sugar does the same). Look into good fruits that will help you keep your sugar levels even and make sure you are getting the right amount of fibre. Fibre also helps regulate the release of sugar into the bloodstream. :)