What do you eat on your cheat day?



  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    Cheat day is irrational. Planning on over-eating some random amount every week is just f'ing with yourself. If you want ice cream, eat some ice cream. If there's a special occasion, eat food appropriate to the occasion.
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    When I go out on the weekends I just try to be aware of what I'm eating. If I get a burger I may get veggies, salad, or pass on a side rather than French fries. If I order pizza I get the grease off with a napkin and peel off the crust. If I want a big salad I ask for no cheese and bring my own light dressing in a baggie. There are ways to enjoy your day out without blowing it.

    I have found that everyone is different when it comes to cheat days. I have one day each week where I allow maintenance calories rather than my diet calories. I have found that this keeps me from stagnating in weight loss. Just don't go overboard and you'll be fine. Do what helps you lose weight your way.

    To many people are too opinionated on this topic lol.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I'm more of an everything in moderation kinda guy. For the most part I rock my nutrition and I rock my fitness...but I can always find room for some pizza or beer or ice cream or whatever. These things make up a rather small percentage of my overall diet, so it's really not a big deal.

    I also acknowledge that I'm going to have certain days where I'm over my calorie goals...birthdays, holidays, random neighborhood BBQs, etc...these things are a part of life, but they are pretty well isolated incidences so I don't worry about them too much...they aren't the norm.
  • mortuseon
    mortuseon Posts: 579 Member
    I still fit stuff I like into my everyday calories, but on the 11th of every month I will have a 2000 (net) kcal 'never mind about the macros' day as it helps to stop me from overindulging on the other days. I usually focus more on the calories than what I'm eating but it usually consists of regular meals + a couple of 'calorie bomb' foods that have a nutritional profile that I would find difficult to fit in every day (without working out a lot). It also gets me used to indulging without bingeing and feeling guilty!
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    I prefer to call 'em "treats" not "cheats" -- cheating to me has a negative connotation, whereas treating yourself is just enjoying a little something nice because that's life. :wink:

    Usually for me that's eating out, ice cream, or a little booze. Especially the booze. :smokin: :drinker:
  • emboslice94
    I used to have cheat days but I found that it became a binge for me. So I avoid it. But lately, I let myself have what I feel like when I feel like it. The past two fridays I've had an Oreo Ice Cream Sandwich while watching movies with my boyfriend, that was great :). My big thing is Big Macs, but even now, I don't crave them anymore, I limit myself to one a month, but even then I don't usually end up getting it anymore.
    My general cheat day or cheat meal advice I guess would be, don't make it a reward. you shouldn't reward yourself with food. It should be just something you decided you wanted. Eventually as your lifestyle changes, you'll crave those oats in the morning (something I never thought I'd say a year ago), but if you get a hankering, just go for it.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    An extra 2 tbs of Trader Joe's crunchy unsalted peanut butter.