
So I have been stuck at the same weight for 2 weeks now. I know that isn't too long, but it is frustrating nonetheless. I have spent some time this afternoon reviewing my diary and reading the forums and hope I can break through this plateau. So I am not asking for specific diet and exercise advice.

I am asking more about motivation. When I get stuck at a plateau I am struggle with the willpower to not binge on sweets (I have a total sweet tooth, they are my weakness). I get a horrible mentality towards earrings within my calories, such as "why bother denying myself, it's not like I am losing weight anyway."

So for people that have broken through a plateau, or multiple plateaus, how do you stay motivated to keep going? What is the longest plateau you have struggled with?


  • blc1971
    blc1971 Posts: 170 Member
    I hit a plateau during the summer of about 9 weeks where my weight fluctuated up and down about 2 lbs but I did not register any losses. However, my clothes became more and more baggy, so I knew I was losing inches and the weight was redistributing. This really helped motivate me. I bought a few pieces of clothing that fit, in smaller sizes, so I could see the progress I had made up to that point.

    Another thing that kept me on track was the understanding that I made these changes for life, not just until I hit my goal weight. I continued to eat well and within my calorie limits. I exercised regularly. I basically decided I would consider it temporary maintenance (although I was still eating at a deficit) instead of an obstacle.

    The whole point is don't just give up. A plateau is temporary and you can/ will break through it. If I did, anyone can!! Continue to persevere and stay positive. Good luck on your journey!!
  • ruby_red_rose
    ruby_red_rose Posts: 321 Member
    Over the course of my weight loss journey, I have endured multiple plateaus, the most recent one just ended yesterday. It is really hard to stay motivated, but now that I have had experience with a few of them, I just look at my weight loss graph, see that all my previous plateaus ended, and remind myself to be patient. Usually, a few weeks of being patient is all I need to end the plateau.
    Sometimes, when I feel overly restless and unhappy about the plateau, I switch things up a bit (do different exercises, eat more than normal, eat less than normal, and get a lot of extra sleep).
    Best of luck. I hope yours end soon.
  • bennettinfinity
    bennettinfinity Posts: 865 Member
    I've been stuck on a +/- 2 lb. plateau for a couple of months now. The thing that's primarily keeping me motivated is focusing on the results i've experienced so far and not wanting to backslide. Seeing the thinner (but not yet goal weight) me in the mirror, the clothes i now fit into, the fitness goals i've achieved (and the ones to be achieved).

    And though i don't participate on the boards a lot, just reading through the threads - knowing that this happens to everyone - that it can be expected and worked through - has helped immensely.

    Don't give up! Your future self will thank youf!
  • sjp_511
    sjp_511 Posts: 476 Member
    Thanks for all the responses. I know that almost everyone has plateaus while losing. It is frustrating but I am pushing through. Like I said in my original post, I reviewed my diet and exercise and decided on how to improve things so I don't think this will last for long!