How many calories do i need to eat to lose weight.

skssks2 Posts: 38 Member
I have my BMR done and have the calories I need just to exist. But how do I know how many calories to eat to lose weight? I cannot locate a formula finder on this web site. any suggestions?


  • skssks2
    skssks2 Posts: 38 Member
    wow that's a lot of info but thank you! I have used MFP to determine my caloric needs and it seems to low (1420). I have mostly been using 1420 as my daily goal but in two weeks I have not lost anything. I am working out. I guess I will try another two weeks on 1420. It is trying my patience. thanks again
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    If you're not losing at 1420 calories, it might be water retention. But you're probably eating more calories than you think:

    That's not an insult. My records for my first 6 months of weight loss indicate that I was netting almost 200 calories more per day than I thought I was, probably a combination of overestimating my activity level and underestimating what I ate. One study showed that even trained dietitians underestimated their calorie consumption by over 200 calories; for the general public, it was over 400. Per day. It's really hard to accurately estimate the calories you consume and expend.

    The best solution is to do the best you can, and if after a few more weeks, you're still not losing weight, then cut back by a couple hundred calories.
  • skssks2
    skssks2 Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks for that reply...I'm scarily accurate about recording ..borderline neurotic (ha) so I am wondering since I do a lot of exercise (I "earned" 700 calories today) if perhaps my calorie count is too low and I'm throwing myself into "starvation mode"...I'm pretty tall...but yeah I guess just do 1420 and not eat the "earned points" from exercise..It is hard to be patient and wait and wait for results. The only comfort in this journey is I am doing myself healthy and developing a great lifestyle. I do know I will fight for this and the reward will be very sweet.
  • mimieon
    mimieon Posts: 182 Member
    How are you calculating how many calories you have burned with exercise?
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    If you google a TDEE calculator that will tell you your approximate burn so you want to eat somewhere between below that but above your BMR. After that and you have had a chance to get good at logging everything (weigh & measure) then you can out more research into all the more detailed stuff to meet your particular goals. I think for beginners all the macro/micro, clean eating, lift heavy, don't lift heavy stuff can feel overwhelming so dive into all that as you feel ready for it. If you feel like you can tackle all that now, go for it!
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 583 Member
    Thanks for that reply...I'm scarily accurate about recording ..borderline neurotic (ha) so I am wondering since I do a lot of exercise (I "earned" 700 calories today) if perhaps my calorie count is too low and I'm throwing myself into "starvation mode"...I'm pretty tall...but yeah I guess just do 1420 and not eat the "earned points" from exercise..It is hard to be patient and wait and wait for results. The only comfort in this journey is I am doing myself healthy and developing a great lifestyle. I do know I will fight for this and the reward will be very sweet.

    Starvation mode as a mechanism that will stop you losing weight is a myth, just concentrate on ensuring your numbers are as accurate as you can make them.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    As others have said, eat between your BMR and your TDEE and you should lose weight.

    The tricky bit comes in measuring your TDEE - all the calcualtions are estimates, so there'll be some trial and adjustment required.
  • skssks2
    skssks2 Posts: 38 Member
    I input my age and weight on the elliptical machine. for strength training I input the reps and sets...and somehow magically MFP comes up with extra food calories?
  • skssks2
    skssks2 Posts: 38 Member
    Yes I am working on being very accountable...I just am a bit frustrated on picking a number of calories so I can commence with taking off weight. My attitude is great and I am highly motivated...just need that magical number to hit every day to ensure I approach this correctly.
  • skssks2
    skssks2 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm sorry...what is TDEE? I will google that...
  • skssks2
    skssks2 Posts: 38 Member
    Ok I will google a TDEE calculator. I was surmising from the info people are giving me that I should figure out my BMR and thought I should be above that calorie wise since I am also exercising. So I hope the TDEE gives me that magic number I am looking for. It would be a shame to be so diligent and determined and hopeful to lose weight and be doing the wrong calories. I eat super healthy so it has to be my number of calories that is preventing me from losing weight?
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    BMR is also an estimate, +/- 10% and quite a few people are outside that.

    There's no law or logic requiring that you eat at or above your BMR while losing weight but if exercising a lot and active you'll probably end up there with a sensible deficit.

    If you have a deficit and don't lose you may need to examine what you're eating, an open diary helps others comment.
  • skssks2
    skssks2 Posts: 38 Member
    oK I bmr is 1397 and TDEE is somewhere in there I guess? Maybe I will pick 1500 calories. When I exercise MFP seems to indicate I should eat those extra calories it gives me?... I don't know. I just want to do this right and not waste all my effort doing things incorrectly since I am approaching this very scientifically =)
  • skssks2
    skssks2 Posts: 38 Member
    I didn't realize you could post open diaries..would anyone actually have the time or interest to go that extra step for me? I think that's asking too much. It is a lot of work to continually journal calories and input exercises and all that!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    I like the calculators at . If you know your body fat % you can get all four calculations and go with whatever one seems most likely, or average them out. (Personally I go with Katch-McArdle or Mifflin St-Jeor).

    I also found the Road Map useful ( and ).

    If you're following MFP's system, yes, you would eat back your exercise calories. If you're calculating your TDEE and subtracting an amount (usually around 20%), then you wouldn't eat back your exercise calories, as you've included exercise in your TDEE.

    If you wanted to subtract 20%, Scooby's Workshop will do it for you, or you can multiply by 0.8. For a TDEE of 1937, that would give you 1549. You might want to eat more than that if you're closer to goal. What I would do if using that method is set my goal on MFP to 1549, then not put exercise into MFP at all. Some people prefer to log their exercise but enter it as 1 calorie, so it doesn't affect their goal.

    I have no knowledge and have had to look everything up, but this method has worked for me (although I've mixed it up in various ways along the "journey" :smile: ).
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Try 1500 for a while and see how that works for you.

    Lots of us are very adept at reading a diary quickly and being able to spot patterns, so dont be afriad to set yours to public!
  • skssks2
    skssks2 Posts: 38 Member
    Excellent very helpful!
  • I didn't realize you could post open diaries..would anyone actually have the time or interest to go that extra step for me? I think that's asking too much. It is a lot of work to continually journal calories and input exercises and all that!

    I think the idea of an open diary is that people can read it and comment, rather than help you fill it out!

    Re excercise, when comparing how many calories the elliptical trainer says I have burned, compared to what MFP tells me it should be, I have come to the conclusion that MFP seriously overestimates calories burned. So I would not eat back *all* the supposed calories burned.
  • KetosisTina
    KetosisTina Posts: 197 Member
    I know MFP is all about the NUMBER of calorie... but more important is the quality of calories. If you opened up your diary we could see what your are eating.

    I mean your body will not treat 200 calories of donuts the same as 200 calories of spinach. The donuts will spike your blood sugar and cause insulin to be released and cause you to be hungry again in just a short time. 200 calories of spinach (besides being a HUGE about of food - about 28 cups) would not do this.

    So many folks on here say to eat at a deficit to lose weight. It's better to each large quantities of healthier SANE food so you don't have room for the bad stuff.