Calories Burnt for Circuit Training / Crossfit Training

So I've done a forum search and read a few links. Myfitnesspal doesn't have a category for "Crossfit Training" but does have a category for "Circuit Training" in the cardio section.

I'm working with a trainer right now and do 5 sessions per week, 60 min sessions. I want to report my exercise progress but when I put 60 min working for circuit training it says that I expended 740 calories. It feels like that number is really high.

I want to be as accurate as possible and know that my workouts are very intense. Even during resting periods between sets, the trainer has me do stationary workouts that keep my HR high. When I start the session, I do 10 mins of intense interval stair master to spike the heart rate and get my body ready for the work out.

Still...I try to do 60 min jogging sessions and I feel more tired after jogging than the 60 mins of circuit training.

Any advice out there?

How many calories would you guess I am really burning?

Doesn't 740 calories for 60 mins seem alittle high?

Do I sound crazy again?



  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    MFP calculations are notoriously high. I would cut that number in half.
  • Sunitagt
    Sunitagt Posts: 486 Member
    I use a HRM while I do circuit training, it's about half of what MFP was reading for me for the same amount of time, but changes depending on how hard I'm working out.
  • catinbetween
    catinbetween Posts: 3 Member
    I usually average 450-600 for an hour crossfit workout . I measure using polar ft7
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    HRMs won't be accurate for Crossfit Circuit training. HRMs are to track steady state cardio. Numbers will always be inflated using an HRM in this type of setting.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I use an HRM for CrossFit. It's a Garmin Forerunner. For an hour, Ill burn anywhere between 300 and 400 calories.

    I'm sure that it's off for some of the workouts, but we also run or row during a lot of our WODS so it's somewhat reliable. I will say -someone else in the class that was a girl and about my height had a Polar and her numbers were almost 200 calories higher than mine. Now, it's possible she hasn't programmed her HRM correctly, but that surprised me. I'll stick with my conservative counts.
  • hunnnybee
    hunnnybee Posts: 46 Member
    I do crossfit and wear my Heart Rate Monitor and my calories burn range widely. Somedays my heart rate is higher than other depending on how much cardio or running we are doing in the WOD and how heavy the weight is but I usually add 400 for an hour of crossfit beacuse my heart rate is not in goal the whole hour