Summers Over but Not the Challenges...

Summer is officially over and you are feeling pretty proud of how hard you worked this summer to maintain that “beach body”. You survived those graduation parties, weekend get-a-ways, cookouts full of beer, brats, and potato salads, nightly trips to the ice cream shop with the kids, and those hot, humid, rainy days that would have been so easy to skip a workout. It was worth it, because you look GREAT! However, a new set of issues and excuses are coming with the weather change. It’s getting too cold outside, sports are starting for the kids so you don’t have time to work out, you have to resort to fast food because you are always on the run, the “busy” season at work is about to start, or maybe you are going back to school yourself and have 17 credits on your plate along with working 30 plus hours per week. And to top it all off, the three most challenging months are just around the corner: October November, and December.
This post isn’t meant to discourage you or make dread the next couple months. Hopefully it’s going to help you get motivated and prepare yourself physically and mentally so that the first time in your life your New Year’s Resolution won’t be to lose weight, exercise more, and eat healthier. So first things first, STOP MAKING EXCUSES! Human beings naturally put others before themselves, but when it comes to your health, BE SELFISH. It’s ok to take 30 minutes out of your life to exercise. Too tired? Drink a redbull (sugar free of course), find your motivation (feel better, longevity, kids, spouse, yourself, etc.), and just do it. Not enough time? Find time. Whether you wake up an hour earlier, go to bed an hour later, or use your lunch break, I promise you can find time to exercise. Hate the cold weather and don’t have a gym membership? For cardio just head to the mall and power walk, or try work out DVDs (Jillian Michaels 30-say shred it a good one!). It’s important to get into a routine now before the craziness of the holidays begins.
Many people gain at least five pounds during the holidays. Here are some tips that you can practice now and during the holidays to avoid gaining weight and to keep up your healthy lifestyle:
• Don’t skip meals
• Eat high fiber meals before the parties
• Eat small amounts of foods that you love
• Don’t hang around the buffet
• Pace yourself
• Drink plenty of water
• Keep healthy snacks at work
• Keep exercising
• Don't beat yourself up, just get back to healthy eating (from
This year do not use the holidays as an excuse to splurge. You have worked too hard up to this point to just throw it all away. That is why it is so important to start now so when the tough events come up it will be second nature to make the healthier decisions. Again remember, when it comes to your health...BE SELFISH!!! :happy:


  • hartlife48
    And I would love to hear suggestions on how you are going to prepare for the tough months ahead!
  • pniana
    pniana Posts: 254 Member
    I love when sports start for the kids because I use that time to run! If they are practicing at a field that has a track I run laps. If they practice elsewhere, I plot out a run that encompasses the practice location and go for it. I have to be there anyway so I might as well use my time wisely!