Should I use TDEE or MFP?

I need to lose 20 lbs. MFP gives me 1200 calories/day (without exercise) but I'm feeling hungry doing only that. My TDEE is 1600-1700, depending on the equation. What number should I shoot for?


  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    i would do tdee -15% i found that worked better for me as well. I didn't have a lot to lose either and 1200 a day stalled me and most people... i lost at the same rate at 1200 a day and 1400, so why not eat more , right....
  • sillyvalentine
    sillyvalentine Posts: 460 Member
    Chances are that you calculated your TDEE online. I did that and starting eating 500 calories under it. Big mistake! It said my TDEE was 2300 - 2500. At the hospital, my doctor determined my TDEE and my BMR. Turns out my TDEE was substantially less, about 1000 - 1100. And my BMR, which tested online was 1600 - 1800, was actually 801 - 911.

    I suggest that you get more advice from professionals. Doctor, Nutritionist, etc. The online calculators are bogus and way too generalized for everyone.

    But 1200 calories is too low for anyone, even a kid. SO start at 1500 at least and see where you go from there.
  • snowbunnyA
    snowbunnyA Posts: 25 Member
    ^^^ This.

    Unless you're potentially eating way under TDEE and you're not losing, in which case you might have to increase your intake a bit. But if you're tracking, you should know roughly where you stand.
  • sillyvalentine
    sillyvalentine Posts: 460 Member
    1. The online calculator is a starting point, not gospel.
    2. Not sure why the above was in hospital, but let's ignore that advice. I'm sure exercise is not included. So... Plus, she's leaving out the reason for being in the hospital.
    3. As I've said a lot here, measure the results and stop worrying about every little thing. If you don't lose after calculating TDEE, drop 100 cals and keep going. Keep doing that until you get the desired result. No biggie. Stop making this so hard. It's easy.

    I was only in the hospital to get my BMR tested.