My Personal Story

Hi My name is Felicia Starks and I’ve been where some of you may be now!

As in topping the scales at 170 5 foot 4 inches

I was born and raised in the South and was introduced to good ol’ Southern cooking at an early age. Like many people today I picked up some bad habits with diet, nutrition and exercise. (Or lack thereof.)

I was a slave to food for years. I would eat every 2 hours (since the “experts” always told us to do that.) But it didn’t stop there. I counted calories. I journaled everything I ate from meals to snacks. Had mesoderm injections at for 3 months (crazy, right?) And even though I had some success losing weight, (which I wanted to do before starting a family) I still didn’t have the lean body I truly desired.

A move to the West Coast is where EVERYTHING changed. There I absolutely embraced my new one sentence personal mission statement: “I eat to live instead of living to eat.” And don’t think I’m sacrificing when it comes to my lifestyle. I enjoy healthy & hearty meals as well as desserts and more.

When I added my love for fitness, something magical happened. I have NEVER had so much energy! My new look gave me supreme confidence. I became so passionate about great health and wellness that I got certified as a personal fitness trainer

I share my story to partner and inspire women to live a fit, healthy lifestyle, have fun and be fabulous & fearless in fitness. I truly believe there are no limits to what we can accomplish in life; while keeping ourselves as a priority on our to-do list.

I'll be fabulous and forty in 5 months and one of my "bucket list" things to do is to compete in a figure competition and I plan to dominate the stage! The training is so different and takes a different kind of mental toughness but I'm ready for the challenge!

I look forward to connecting with you and sharing our successes. :happy:

Felicia Starks
