Looking for accountability and motivation!

Just re-joined MFP and looking for some friends to share motivation and accountability with! You know, make it fun to log food and exercise. Here is a little about me:

I am 25 and live in Nashville. In January 2013 I committed to learning to cook, making healthier food decisions, and trained for my first half marathon. I had a great year, I worked out regularly, and my confidence really improved, but that number on the scale only ever moved a few lbs. I definitely put on some muscle, but I also have leftover flab sitting on that muscle. Probably because I tend to let myself go on weekends and drink and party with friends, which tends to lead to some poor health decisions (4am pizza and french fries, anyone?)

I have used MFP in the past through phases with varying success, but my goal now is to really keep myself accountable to what I am putting in my body, and get some friends who will call me out and encourage me. I am pretty active too, so happy to swap stories and motivation! Training for my second half marathon in Austin April 12, and I also do yoga, Barry's boot camp, strength training, and whatever else makes me sweat and feel like I'm accomplishing something.


  • Feel free to add me! I've been on MFP a few times before as well, and I'm hoping to actually stick to it this time; I'm sure having some accountability will definitely help! :)
  • ronbo62098
    ronbo62098 Posts: 59 Member
    Looking for "accountability friends" myself. Having to post everything I eat keeps me honest, and knowing my MFP friends will see it keeps me from eating all the extra junk I might "want" but certainly don't "need".
  • baileyang33
    baileyang33 Posts: 131 Member
    Diary open & same issues here, I enjoy my alcohol! :drinker: