I need to take a few days off from exercising

I think I pulled some leg muscles or something while running yesterday because my calves are killing me. Hurts to get up, hurts to walk, and it hurt when I tried to run today, I had to cut my exercise short. I don't want to lose all my progress that I made, but I don't want to get an injury, so I'm going to have to quit running until this heals up. What can I do to continue my progress if I'm not exercising? I feel like not running just makes me feel like a bum :(


  • indianarunner76
    indianarunner76 Posts: 108 Member
    Upper body Strength train.

    Once your healed up. Make sure you work out your glutes and hamstrings usually if they are weak can cause injury to lower legs.
  • stevecarve01
    First of all you need a doctor to take care of your leg. It's better to take some rest for few days. You should do some stretching and yoga at home to burn some calories. If you want to know about fitness training programs then log on to the website: http://www.offyaglutes.com.au/#!personal-training/c1tyh
  • ZeKiplinatell
    I agree. Strength train if you can. If not, than I would suggest that you only continue to keep your diet in check, drink a lot of water, and sleeeeep. Don't jump back into it before your body is ready or you may end up doing more harm than good.

    I messed up a hip flexor and it took a couple weeks before I felt like I could push myself again... and even then I could feel a significant tightness when pushing too far. I didn't lose progress because I made do with what I could and worked around it. If you can't do that, than think of it as a rest period and prepare to hit it 110% when you can =)
  • notmichael
    notmichael Posts: 2 Member
    I spent 3 months recovering from a running hip injury and did lots of upper body swimming - burn calories, cross trains and builds strength. it was my salvation whilst I could not run
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    If you truly pulled something, you may need much more than a few days off running. I needed 3 months off running after pulling my calf. Also, I wonder, if you say BOTH calves are killing you, if maybe you didn't just overdo it? What makes you think you pulled something? When I pulled my calf I knew it the second it happened, it was a sharp sudden pain and I had to stop immediately and limp slowly the last .5 mile of the trail out of the woods. I couldn't really even walk for a few days. If you think you really did some damage, I suggest a visit to your Dr.
  • ayyyemanda
    My legs are feeling fine now, guys. I did some stretches today and did 500 abcoasters instead of running. I'm not sure how many cals abcoasters burn though so I just didn't log it. My legs didn't start hurting until the day before yesterday, when I was running on the street. I'm used to running on the treadmill everyday and I don't know if the fact that I was running on pavement had anything to do with the pain. Thanks for all the suggestions.