Need help on a 5K training schedule



  • pktorm
    pktorm Posts: 24 Member
    Thank you all with the great advice! Sounds like I need to make a more realistic goal. I've followed some of the posted links which I found very useful, thank you.

    So far, I have broken it down to this:

    Monday - 60 min 5.0 jog (no breaks) Treadmill set on 1% incline
    Tuesday - Interval Training 4 x 400m runs, 4 x 400m walks between sets.
    Wednesday - 3 mile slow pace jog (walks if needed)
    Thursday - 40 min tempo run (no breaks but slow)
    Friday - REST
    Saturday - 5 mile run (rests if necessary)
    Sunday - 30 min EZ pace jog (no breaks

    Yesterday I wanted to see where I was at. I actually did 5.5 30 mins straight on the treadmill. It's odd, but it feels like 5.0 is harder than 5.5, maybe its the pace or something, not sure.

    Anyway, three years ago I use to run frequently. 3 to 4 times a week and ran a 10K in 48 mins so I know I can do it. But I agree that 25 min 5K seems little lofty, but we'll see where I'm at in a couple of week.

    Oh, I also do 10 mins daily on the stair master on interval training. The slow speed is set on 3 and fast speed set on 11. I also do leg training 1 day during the week.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    start working hill, fartleks and short sprint session runs into your training... off the treadmill