Joined today , hello all :)

Hi everyone I'm Heidi , I live in Devon England with my husband of 20 years.I have 3 children and in April of this year my first granddaughter is due to be born . I am not in no way ever going to be a fat granma!!
Over the last year I have gained over 2stone , basically I've eaten badly & not exercised enough ....that's all about to change I hope with the help of my fitness pal and some true determination.To celebrate an extra special but daunting birthday I have later this year we are off on a holiday of a life time for us to Jamaica In may , that's another diet & fitness motivator.
I started off my diet 3 weeks ago without mfp and had really good loses the first 2 weeks of 7lb & then 6lb but ths week I gained 3lb , my diet didn't change nor did my exercise but obviously something I did wasn't good, so fingers crossed by planning,counting & help from here I can get myself back on track.
Looking for friends too as I have none on here lol
