Hit a brick wall today :(


I am in need of some encouragement and support. I have been doing really well on a low calorie diet and exercise regime for the past 3 weeks or so. I have been SO determined and focused but today I am actually having such strong cravings for some 'junky' food! I just want some grease like chips or a burger! I haven't had any but I can't stop thinking about it. Sorry for TMI but I think it may be because I am due on my period soon?? Do any other ladies feel this way at that time of the month. It's driving me mad I refuse to give in but it is all that is on my mind!

Help! How can I get focused again? x x x


  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    Oh yeah. Totally.

    Can you fit a burger into your day, even if you go over a bit? Sometimes it's worth it to plan for it, do it, get it over with.
  • NoExcusesFitnessCoach
    We've all been there. I always remember that one meal isn't going to change things. Eating healthy for one day won't make you fit and eating one "cheat" meal isn't going to ruin all your hard work. I say indulge and get it over with too! Don't be so hard on yourself. :smile:
  • PolacaFL
    PolacaFL Posts: 213 Member
    Eat some but count the calories. If I ignore strong cravings I end up binge eating later.
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    Your body is telling you something... Have a burger, and this time you will be able to go 4 weeks with out it..
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Eat "good" or "clean" or "healthy" (whatever those words mean to you) 80% of the time. Fit yummy, portion-controlled treats into your calorie goal. Deprivation can lead to binges.

    Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-Sexypants
  • daisiepops
    Thanks guys,

    I think I may have a walk with my girls and if the craving doesn't pass I will treat myself to a packet of crisps on the way home :) I am doing cardio later so I don't want to feel sluggish! Going to set myself a mini goal to be good this week push myself hard during workouts and then I think I will have a cheat day at the weekend and go out for a meal! x x x
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Maybe your calorie deficit is too aggressive. How much are you trying to lose a week? How much are you trying to lose overall?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    whats wrong with eating burger and chips every so often?
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    Thanks guys,

    I think I may have a walk with my girls and if the craving doesn't pass I will treat myself to a packet of crisps on the way home :) I am doing cardio later so I don't want to feel sluggish! Going to set myself a mini goal to be good this week push myself hard during workouts and then I think I will have a cheat day at the weekend and go out for a meal! x x x

    See, if I wanted a burger and tried to fix it with chips, I'd still be dreaming about a burger and probably end up eating all kinds of stuff for a few days to get over the burger craving, then I'd eat the burger, then I'd get annoyed with myself for eating that naughty, naughty burger... Then I'd get ice cream because I've already made a mess of myself...

    Oh wait. Those are my demons, not yours ;) Carry on!
  • Binky_Muffin
    Binky_Muffin Posts: 191 Member
    Why not make a homemade burger? I prefer homemade burgers to anything I would get in a fast food joint or a restaurant. Use lean ground chicken or turkey. It will be lower in calories and will still help your craving...unless you're craving a burger from a specific restaurant.
  • daisiepops
    Thanks again for replies!

    Lol at rockmama72 thats EXACTLY what I can see myself doing! Loving the idea of a homemade burger I think that is the answer to my craving without feeling like I am totally cheating! I know people will say I am doing it wrong but at the minute I am trying not to go over 1000 calories a day. I feel like I need to detox and just strip back to the bare basics, I am eating chicken, broccoli, peas, carrots, soups, and cereal. I have been doing fab and not been hungry and really full of energy because I am really stocking up on the veggies! But it's just today because I am due on and I didn't get the best sleep last night. After January I am going to start eating more each day. Thanks for the support and understanding! x x x
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I know people will say I am doing it wrong but at the minute I am trying not to go over 1000 calories a day. I feel like I need to detox and just strip back to the bare basics,

    yes, you're doing it wrong... this is what happens when you starve yourself... you start craving food you 'cant' have....

    do yourself a favour and eat at a reasonable deficit and enjoy your life!
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    Eat some but count the calories. If I ignore strong cravings I end up binge eating later.
    This is 100% true and it works for me.
    But I must confess I mainly quoted because of Femshep.

    Portion control is the key, as you probably read 9000 times. You can't avoid junk food forever and only eat 1000 clean calories for the rest of your life. Sooner or later you will have to learn moderation, so why not start today? :wink:
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I know people will say I am doing it wrong but at the minute I am trying not to go over 1000 calories a day. I feel like I need to detox and just strip back to the bare basics,

    yes, you're doing it wrong... this is what happens when you starve yourself... you start craving food you 'cant' have....

    do yourself a favour and eat at a reasonable deficit and enjoy your life!

    ^This. 1000 calories a day is too low, and there is nothing "toxic" in your body that you need to detox from.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I know people will say I am doing it wrong but at the minute I am trying not to go over 1000 calories a day. I feel like I need to detox and just strip back to the bare basics,

    yes, you're doing it wrong... this is what happens when you starve yourself... you start craving food you 'cant' have....

    do yourself a favour and eat at a reasonable deficit and enjoy your life!

    ^This. 1000 calories a day is too low, and there is nothing "toxic" in your body that you need to detox from.


    If you continue down this road it's just going to get worse.
  • daisiepops
    I know I am eating too few calories but I have got myself into a bit of an unhealthy cycle, I am so afraid of what I eat now. I am obsessing over everything, I had a slice of my partners white toast last night and literally kept on stressing over it. It scares me because I was like this in my late teens and looking back I was so so skinny and not in an attractive way I much prefer curves! I know it sounds pathetic but I have gone from not giving a damn about what I eat to caring way too much about ingredients. I had a couple of biscuits on Saturday and in my head I swore I had put weight on overnight! I know it s so so so stupid! I am an educated woman and I know deep down that it is complete nonsense I just really don't want to fail at this but I also don't want to get into a very nasty trap with food :( x x x x
  • PolacaFL
    PolacaFL Posts: 213 Member

    But I must confess I mainly quoted because of Femshep.

    Female Shepard kicks *kitten* :D
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I know I am eating too few calories but I have got myself into a bit of an unhealthy cycle, I am so afraid of what I eat now. I am obsessing over everything, I had a slice of my partners white toast last night and literally kept on stressing over it. It scares me because I was like this in my late teens and looking back I was so so skinny and not in an attractive way I much prefer curves! I know it sounds pathetic but I have gone from not giving a damn about what I eat to caring way too much about ingredients. I had a couple of biscuits on Saturday and in my head I swore I had put weight on overnight! I know it s so so so stupid! I am an educated woman and I know deep down that it is complete nonsense I just really don't want to fail at this but I also don't want to get into a very nasty trap with food :( x x x x

    By forcing yourself to adhere to unhealthy and unsustainable goals, you are making this harder on yourself.

    Listen, we all have days where we freak out a little. I totally get that. But by arbitrarily picking a random number (1,000) and making yourself stick to it despite the fact that you are clearly feeling deprived, you are going to set yourself up for obsession and, eventually, failure.

    Food is not the enemy. You do not "detox" by not eating. You are only hurting yourself and demonstrating bad habits for your family.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I know I am eating too few calories but I have got myself into a bit of an unhealthy cycle, I am so afraid of what I eat now. I am obsessing over everything, I had a slice of my partners white toast last night and literally kept on stressing over it. It scares me because I was like this in my late teens and looking back I was so so skinny and not in an attractive way I much prefer curves! I know it sounds pathetic but I have gone from not giving a damn about what I eat to caring way too much about ingredients. I had a couple of biscuits on Saturday and in my head I swore I had put weight on overnight! I know it s so so so stupid! I am an educated woman and I know deep down that it is complete nonsense I just really don't want to fail at this but I also don't want to get into a very nasty trap with food :( x x x x

    It's good you can recognize the discrepancy between what is rational, and what is not.

    However, this post is a little unsettling. Did you have an ED, or disordered eating in the past? I see you're getting married, as well.

    These are two stressful things that seem to be combining into the current stressful cycle you're putting yourself through.

    Do you exercise at all? Anything you can do to funnel your stress elsewhere? Bumping up your calories to a healthy extent, or letting yourself have things you've restricted, can become much easier if you have another coping mechanism ready (like running, lifting, writing, etc.).