Nuts and Fruits for dinner

Is it good to eat nuts(Pistachios, Cashews, Almonds) 5-10 kernels each for dinner? I heard nuts are rich in fats. Also, is it good to have fruits like apple, pomegranate, orange for dinner as they have high sugar contents?


  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    Yes. Those items are good any time of day. You're eating more than 5-10 kernels as a meal though, aren't you?
  • I used to eat too much. I eat Mutton/Chicken biriyani for my dinner which comes around 700-900 Calories. So I couldn't resist eating more Mam. Probably I will reduce the amount of nuts consumed as days passes on :) Thanks a lot for your reply.. My dinner calorie intake has been reduced by half. After some days I will manage eating only fruits for dinner. Nuts, only for breakfast.