Is one month in too soon to switch gears?

I'm 5 feet tall and currently 115 lbs. My original goal was to get down to 105 (so 10 lbs) by mid April.

I've been fairly consistent about keeping my calorie intake between 1300-1600 on weekdays, with some splurging on the weekends.

Based on my TDEE calcs and my fitbut results, I expend an average of 1800-1900 calories a day, so I should be losing, but in the course of the month, I have only lost 1.5 lbs.

However, my clothes fit better and I feel much better. Now I'm thinking since I really didn't have that much to lose to begin with, I should forget about the weight goal, and just try to build more muscle and reduce body fat.

Is one month in too soon to give up on losing weight. At the end of the day I want to get to a certain size and look.

I do a cardio sculpt class 3x a week and cardio 2x a week. The cardio sculpt class is like Jillian Michael's strenghtening in the later phases on crack. They are pretty intense.

Is there something I should change in what I am doing?


  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 9,984 Member
    I'm 5 feet tall and currently 115 lbs. My original goal was to get down to 105 (so 10 lbs) by mid April.

    I've been fairly consistent about keeping my calorie intake between 1300-1600 on weekdays, with some plurging on the weekends.

    Based on my TDEE calcs and my fitbut results, I expend an average of 1800-1900 calories a day, so I should be losing, but in the course of the month, I have only lost 1.5 lbs.

    However, my clothes fit better and I feel much better. Now I'm thinking since I really didn't have that much to lose to begin with, I should forget about the weight goal, and just try to build more muscle and reduce body fat.

    Is one month in too soon to give up on losing weight. At the end of the day I want to get to a certain size and look.

    I do a cardio sculpt class 3x a week and cardio 2x a week. The cardio sculpt class is like Jillian Michael's strenghtening in the later phases on crack. They are pretty intense.

    Is there something I should change in what I am doing?
    Sculpt class, I love it, marketing 101.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I don't think it's too soon to change your goal. But if you're looking to recomp my advice to get a good lifting program (Starting Strength or Stronglifts are good beginner programs) and eat at maintenance or just below.
  • clarebailey355
    clarebailey355 Posts: 113 Member
    IMO you should stop worrying about what the scales are telling you and concentrate on how you feel!
    I completed Jillian Michaels' 90 day programme last year and only lost a few pounds but dropped a dress size because I was burning fat and building muscle (I was a healthy weight to start with). I've now thrown out my scales because as long as I exercise and eat right, I'm not too bothered what the scales say.
    And you're a perfectly healthy weight for your height anyway! ;)
  • AlanByam
    One month is to soon.
    Though I know what you're talking about. I am the least patient person on the planet, and I want my weight gone NOW!
    But I know that I have been big since 7th grade, so I also understand it's unrealistic for it to just evaporate.
    Please don't give up, and keep your goals. It's hard, I know. But it will be worth it!

    I find that people that only have 10 pounds to lose have it come off slower than those of us that have 50+ to lose.
    1 lb a week would be a good pace for you, but anything in the right direction is good.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    No, keep doing exactly what you are doing. It takes a while to get it off at your age. .4 to .5 lbs a week is probably what you are going to see.
  • Jambalady
    Jambalady Posts: 155 Member
    IMO you should stop worrying about what the scales are telling you and concentrate on how you feel!
    I completed Jillian Michaels' 90 day programme last year and only lost a few pounds but dropped a dress size because I was burning fat and building muscle (I was a healthy weight to start with). I've now thrown out my scales because as long as I exercise and eat right, I'm not too bothered what the scales say.
    And you're a perfectly healthy weight for your height anyway! ;)

    I think you're right. I'm alternating between JM 90 day (started on Phase 2 bc Phase 1 was too easy) and already my clothes are looser.

    It's just hard to mentally get past the "number" on the scale sometimes.
  • lawlorka
    lawlorka Posts: 484 Member
    At your height/weight and with only 10lbs to lose, 0.5lb a week is the most you should realistically expect to lose.

    Why give up when you are losing weight (1.5lbs in 4weeks?). Clearly what you are doing is in fact working.
  • Jambalady
    Jambalady Posts: 155 Member
    At your height/weight and with only 10lbs to lose, 0.5lb a week is the most you should realistically expect to lose.

    Why give up when you are losing weight (1.5lbs in 4weeks?). Clearly what you are doing is in fact working.

    Thanks. sometimes you need other people to give you perspective. I think it is just frustrating to see other people losing 1.5/2 lbs a week and barely see the scale budge in a month.

    I think I just need to keep doing what I'm doing and concentrate more on how I feel and how I look.