Trying to change "can't" to "can"

I just wanted to say that I'm hoping that this is the start to a successful journey. I have been on many diets, a few successful but never permanent. It is very difficult for me to limit my portions and calories- for some reason I always sabotage myself and give up soon after starting a program. I am always looking to find what will work for me and I seek advice from those that have been successful with their goals. I have heard it all before but find it difficult to consistently eat healthy. I want to trade in the word "can't" for "can" and I am truly hoping that this time I will find success in losing weight and keeping it off. I know that I'm facing an uphill battle because of my past experiences but I hope that I will find persistent motivation and support this time. I appreciate your help and support.


  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    The key is to not think of this as a "diet" because it leads to short term/unsustainable outcomes. Instead, think of it as your way of life. Try to set small goals towards your greater goal; as you accomplish your small goals you will find it becoming more habit forming over time.

    Good luck on your new journey. :smile:
  • ShelleyTurgeon
    ShelleyTurgeon Posts: 95 Member
    Used to be my mentality too... but I now think of what I am doing as a permanent life style change... so far so good... add me .. lets help eachother get rid of all our "can'ts"
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    The key is to not think of this as a "diet" because it leads to short term/unsustainable outcomes. Instead, think of it as your way of life. Try to set small goals towards your greater goal; as you accomplish your small goals you will find it becoming more habit forming over time.

    This. It's a lifestyle. Don't have a deadline - just seek to be healthy, and eventually that change in mentality will enable the change in you! It took me 3 years to reach a "healthy" weight - I had many, many bumps in the road and it was definitely an uphill battle. But eventually I got there, and changing my mentality to thinking of this as a healthy lifestyle choice was key in my success. You can do it too!
  • vrehkopf
    vrehkopf Posts: 3 Member
    its good to keep your cans but change the type of cans they are.. like you want a burger and french fries, so instead you have a vegi/turcky burger with baked fries or sweet potato fries...

    Or i like to have my can days.. like once a week do really good, and stay strick then Sunday just enjoy. Trying not to go crazy unless special event ie birthday party or superbowl!! :)
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    I've had to really focus on not making this a 'diet' with forbidden foods. I allow myself to eat anything I want as long as I stay within my calorie goals. I've managed to work in an occasional slice of cheesecake or cookies by planning for it. Planning for it usually includes more exercise that week to offset the calories, so I can stay on track.

    You can do it, but focus on making small changes that you can live with, and don't try to change everything at once.

    Also, don't beat yourself up when you don't live up to your expectations. Don't let a high calorie meal become an excuse to binge for the day, or start again on Monday. In other words, climb right back on the horse if you get thrown off.
  • chopper_pilot
    chopper_pilot Posts: 191 Member
    give up hope.

    embrace control of your own destiny.