Doing well, but feeling a little discouraged

I have been sticking to a very healthy diet, drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day and exercising as much as my schedule has allowed over these past 10 days, but have only lost .8 of a pound! I have been so proud of myself for sticking to the food part, because, for me, that is the hardest part. I know that once I get into a routine and my metabolism speeds up I should start seeing more of a result, but shouldn't I have lost more than .8 by now? Even if it's just water weight it seems like I would have lost more in 10 days! Am I wrong?


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Congratulations on that .8 pound loss! It may not be as much as you wanted but every little bit should be celebrated.

    The first few weeks of weight loss are kind of weird. Some people lose a lot very quickly and others don't lose anything at all for a few weeks while their bodies adjust to the new routine. It could be something as simple as a little water retention which is masking your fat loss.

    According to your ticker you only have about 25 pounds to lose. Is that accurate? If so, then 1 pound a week is about what you should be aiming for. This week was a little less than that, but who knows what next week will bring. Weight loss isn't linear and you're going to have weeks with big losses and weeks with small ones. Give your routine some time and see how the weight loss averages over time.

    If you want to double check your numbers, be sure that you're logging accurately. A food scale is ideal. The little inconsistencies from measuring cups can really add up. If you are exercising and eating back your earned calories then watch out for the MFP database and/or gym machine estimates. They can overestimate the calories burned causing you to eat too many back. If you're using a heart rate monitor be sure that you have it calibrate properly and are taking your BMR calories out of the equation.

    Best of luck as you move forward!
  • CariS001
    CariS001 Posts: 169 Member
    It is so so hard when you only have a relatively small amount to lose (really, anything under 30 lbs). Progress is slow, and often goes the wrong way. But, stick with it!!! Over the course of a few months, you WILL see change. It's just not as linear as we would like it to be.

    Don't lose hope :)
  • chopper_pilot
    chopper_pilot Posts: 191 Member
    no. it takes more than a year.

    10 days is a sneeze in the dark.
  • toniistracking
    toniistracking Posts: 57 Member
    Just keep up the great work..........result will come!
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    Have you set up a weight loss plan here and are you tracking your calories and exercise (the MyFitnessPal Android or iPhone apps are great for that)? When I first starting tracking in earnest, I was amazed how much the little things (like grabbing a couple of tortilla chips on the way through the break room) added up.

    And, hey, down is good! Keep on keepin' on!
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Agree with the above.

    Did you measure yourself and take pics too? There is more to this than the scale, although in 10 days a lot won't change for most. Plus, your body is adjusting and saying "What Are You Doing To Me" and it can add water weight to the muscles you're using.

    Keep it up! You didn't gain it in 10 days, it won't leave in 10 days.

    Do this for your Health, not just for the scale.
  • cmendoza13
    Thanks everyone. I guess I need to learn to have some patience! :)
  • GhostriderMav
    GhostriderMav Posts: 308 Member
    Just keep at it, we all want instant gratification but it's a marathon not a sprint