TDEE minus 15% is less than BMR -- So Darn Confused

After reading many posts on these boards, I have decided that I would like to give the TDEE at sedentary minus 15% a try with eating back exercise calories as I am currently inconsistent with my exercise (working on it).

54 yr old woman
Currently 178 lbs
Goal 155 lbs
Sedentary job
Weight train 2x/week; try to get in cardio 3x/week 40 minutes but don't always get it in

TDEE @ sedentary = 1663 minus 15% = 1413

I understand that I should not eat below BMR, right? So can someone help me zero in on my daily calorie goal on those days that I don't do any exercise? I'm not sure why this is so darn confusing to me....but it certainly is!


  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Honestly, make it easier on yourself. Eat 1500 per day. 200 more or so on the days you work out, if you're hungry.

    Do this for 6 weeks. Come back and tell us how you feel.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Well for TDEE you should be adding your exercise in and averaging it out across the entire week which it appears you have not done so that will boost your TDEE number up a little bit. You can try that, decrease your deficit percent and lose a little slower, or just go with it, you are not supposed to eat below BMR but you are not talking about doing it very drastically (only 73 calories) so I don't think it should be a huge deal for you.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    After reading many posts on these boards, I have decided that I would like to give the TDEE at sedentary minus 15% a try with eating back exercise calories as I am currently inconsistent with my exercise (working on it).

    54 yr old woman
    Currently 178 lbs
    Goal 155 lbs
    Sedentary job
    Weight train 2x/week; try to get in cardio 3x/week 40 minutes but don't always get it in

    TDEE @ sedentary = 1663 minus 15% = 1413

    I understand that I should not eat below BMR, right? So can someone help me zero in on my daily calorie goal on those days that I don't do any exercise? I'm not sure why this is so darn confusing to me....but it certainly is!

    You're not sedentary. I'd say you're lightly active, if you really do have a sedentary/desk job. Maybe even active, but try lightly active.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I understand that I should not eat below BMR, right?

    No, not right. Nothing inherently wrong with eating below BMR. The more weight you have to lose, the further below BMR you can safely go, assuming you get your nutrients. Plus with that much weight to lose, your BMR is likely less than the calculated number anyway.

    Also, yes, you are "sedentary", as it is not only about frequency of exercise, it's about how fit you currently are.