Older ladies and gents, still have your mood ring?

Hi Everyone!

I'm Debbie and I just turned 49 at the beginning of Jan. I still have one son at home, but the other has flown the nest and landed in the hands of the United States Marine Corp. He will be deployed soon and will be aboard a naval ship setting out for the great unknown soon. . Since he will be gone at least 8 months with the potential for many more, I want to use his opportunity to my advantage, instead of moping around. It's time to get in gear!

Are there others in similar circumstances? Maybe getting close to being empty nesters? Of course ALL bodies are welcome!

Take care and Semper Fi,



  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 662 Member
    I'm 48 and my kids are grown, one has a son of her own..... Life is better now than at 30 :)
  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    I feel mislead. I thought that we were going to compare mood rings, and maybe swap Tiger Beat magazines, but nooooo, you want to "get in gear". I cry foul!