Ladies with PCOS, what's your diet like?

Alright so I'm curious as to what your diets are like and what kind of results you see (or did see) on average. Currently I'm eating low carb and it seems to be working but I'm not sure how sustainable it is in the long run. Also are their any workouts that seem to be better than others?


  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I don't eat 'fast' carbs unless I'm going to be working out right after. I try to avoid them altogether, but I do like my chicken on a small bun sometimes :) I eat a lot of carbs that don't spike my BG (I have a meter). So a lot of beans, most fruit, dairy does fine with me, etc.

    The best for workouts with PCOS and me is to do a little something more than once a day. I only need like 10 minutes of yoga or a nice quick walk to get my insulin more sensitive, so I walk my dogs after I eat, too (about 20-30 minutes).

    I don't do real 'low carb', though. I'm fine with the Glycemic Index sort of foods that are low, even when they are carbs. I'd recommend getting a meter and testing a few things yourself :) My doc has me testing, but don't feel odd at all if you just want to see what your BG does with various food and exercise habits. Good luck!

    (Oh, Metformin makes it all very easy for me and the lbs drop off! I am trying to get back on it soon gradually, but it killed my stomach too much the month or so I took it.)
  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    Ditto.. reduced carbs, complex carbs instead of high glycemic, spacing my carbs out evenly throughout the day making sure I get some at each meal but not too many at once to cause a blood sugar spike, having protein with my carbs (slows down digestion) and taking Metformin. Essentially the basic recommendations you'll find online if you search on glucose resistance recommendations.
  • Jrchopp
    I was diagnosed with PCOS a little over 1 year ago and have lost 20 pounds through exercise and improving my diet. However, I am running out of low carb meals to make. It is extremely hard to get a variety of nutrients and vitamins on a very repetitive diet. Any suggestions on meals for a low carb diet?
  • m0llecule
    m0llecule Posts: 30 Member
    I just started eating low carb last week and so far my favorite thing to make is mushroom pizza.

    I don't eat meat so I've just been eating a lot of side dishes. Thinking I might start eating chicken every few days or so to up my calories a bit. I've found it hard pretty hard to go over 800-900 calories a day. :/