Accomidations for elbow injury?

Hi all. I am doing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. I had an elbow injury which I believe is tennis elbow. I have a brace but a lot of the moves still hurt. Last night I was doing lateral raises and I had to stop. I hate to skip any exercises so I am looking for ways to adapt some moves. Right now it is specifically lifting with palms down that is hurting. Anyone have experience with tennis elbow? Ideas for how to keep exercising but not further injure it? I did some ice/heat and massage after the workout yesterday.


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    I had an elbow injury which I believe is tennis elbow.

    What do you think started it?

    A workaround for lateral raises is to do a shoulder press. It can be combined with a bicep curl to make it more functional. It looks like this: