Constantly Hungry!

Do you ever feel like you are constantly hungry? I have been eating SO much food! I try & eat things high in fiber & protein to help me feel fuller longer, but it’s not working. I’ll drink a couple glasses of water, but that doesn’t seem to help curb my appetite either. Gum isn't helping much. Yes, I workout 4 to 5 times per week, but I'm getting in my daily calories and then some...I have been eating healthy & exercising for 15 weeks now and have lost 26 pounds so I'm doing great, but in the last 10 days or so my body is constantly wanting more food than normal. I’m wondering if my body is going thru some kind of process.


  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I had that happen a few weeks ago. No matter what I couldn't seem to get full! For me, I think it was a hormonal thing and after that week or so it quieted down.
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    It could be all in your head my dear......
    Habits are hard to break, new routines are hard to start.
    Your body will change, but it takes time. I felt hungry all the time when I first started too.
    Then you really learn what to eat.
  • balance9
    Wow....great job on your weight loss so far! Once you lose about 10% of your initial starting weight, your body does really struggle to maintain balance. You might start to hit a bit of a plateau but stick with it, exercise *moderately* (not so hard that you're craving sugar later in the day), and keep showing up here and logging your food.

    You said you were eating high-fiber and protein. Is the fiber from food, or is it from processed food with added fiber (such as inulin ) added back in? There's a difference. You should be eating 25 grams or so of real-food fiber a day.

    Also....are you sleeping enough?? Sleep deprivation is a common cause of hunger (along with stress -- excess cortisol spikes hunger). Studies link sleep deprivation (less than 7 hours a night over a period of time) with hunger.
  • kyoske
    First congrats.

    Secondly: I have always found my body reacts to food on a schedule. So if you've eaten consistently for 10 days, your body has gotten used to having that amount of food, and so will not be happy when it does not get it. It is more psychological than anything. I remember learning about it in my undergrad psychology courses. I'd say don't deny yourself food to the point that you are going to do something drastic, but you may want to try and hold out. Do something that will distract you between meals.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    when I feel hungry I munch on carrots or eat popcorn because you can eat alot for not many calories and it requires alot of munching, It will pass, good luck
  • Sherry44
    Sherry44 Posts: 26 Member
    I'll snack on things like a banana with Naturally More Peanut Butter, or quinoa, or raw veggies, or a handful of nuts, or plain popcorn, or a glass of Almond Milk. I try not to eat my exercise calories, but lately I have been eating some of them.
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    Congrats on the great job.
    I wanted to respond because I have had the same thing happen. When I thought about it it was mostly because of what else is going on in my life. Before MFP, I'd eat to feel better, to stuff or avoid an emotion, or deal with stress. I get "hungrier" when I hit these emotions. Helps me to acknowledge it. Maybe have a treat like a bubble bath, a new something in a smaller size or even one piece of chocolate, skinny cow or whatever your comfort is.

    Good luck.
  • Sherry44
    Sherry44 Posts: 26 Member
    Wow. Thanks for all the responses! I will take your advice to heart. Thank you all for taking the time to write me. This place is awesome!
    JUSTFORME2010 Posts: 125 Member
    I have been feeling that way this week as well i am not sure why I just try to ride it out.
