Whats your Diet?

I am just begining this diet/exercise thing and I am wondering what everyone's system is. I have just been counting calories and exercising..... Do you have any tips?


  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I have just been counting calories and exercising also. drink alot of water, when it comes to exercise find something you like so you will want to do it.. this is a great site , it makes it easy to track your food
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Eat normal foods, dont deprive myself of foods I like (I eat pizza, burgers, tacos etc) just stay within calories and exercise.. its working so far.. my wife and I combined have lost nearly 140lbs eating this way
  • lisalynn35
    lisalynn35 Posts: 250 Member
    That's my deal too. I keep track of certain things like carbs, protien, fiber and sodium in addition to calories and make sure to drink lots of water (that's key for me). I try not to be on a diet, I really have to change the kind of relationship I have with food. Good luck to you on your journey!
  • Russellb97
    Russellb97 Posts: 1,057 Member
    Spike Diet!

    I have 6 days of a calorie deficit followed by one day of a surplus. Keeps my metabolism honest, and I avoid the dreaded diet plateau.

    I've lost 122lbs and I'm stronger than ever.
  • christina1109
    Do what works for you. I haven't been dieting, so much as making the better choice of the things I eat and watching my calorie count. I have to try really hard to add veggies to my meals because I'm not really fond of them that much. I try and stay completely away from processed sugars, but I have my weaknesses like Ben and Jerry's ice cream. If your eating healthy I don't see the need to "diet." Good luck with your goals.
  • tater8589
    Spike Diet!

    I have 6 days of a calorie deficit followed by one day of a surplus. Keeps my metabolism honest, and I avoid the dreaded diet plateau.

    I've lost 122lbs and I'm stronger than ever.

    Great idea, I do that too. One day of spluging keeps me from having crazy cravings and over eating other days.. plus it means i can go out with all my friends and not be "weird" lol (well no more weird than normal)
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    not on a diet

    I still eat "normal" (very very picky eater and don't like too many veggies or weird healthy stuff lol)

    I just serve smaller portions, eat in moderation, and chose better eating habits.

    I still enjoy that slice a pizza but my max limit is 2 unless it's a cheat day.
    I still eat at Mc D's or BK but get myself a kids meal w/ apple fries or just a small burger.

    I can never give up white rice (brown rice is yucky to me), I just don't put so much rice on my plate =)

    Cheats days are when I eat whatever I want and not concern myself about cals.

    what I have change is my drinks - all I drink is water. In my fridge there is milk (which i only drink w/ my protien shakes) and juice which is for my daughter. I do drink soda on my cheat days but not asnmuch as I use to
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Spike Diet!

    I have 6 days of a calorie deficit followed by one day of a surplus. Keeps my metabolism honest, and I avoid the dreaded diet plateau.

    I've lost 122lbs and I'm stronger than ever.

    Great idea, I do that too. One day of spluging keeps me from having crazy cravings and over eating other days.. plus it means i can go out with all my friends and not be "weird" lol (well no more weird than normal)

    YEP I do this as well. Workin' like a charm too. Losing the weight, get to splurge if I wanna, and I do not feel deprived at all!!!
  • MelissaE1214
    MelissaE1214 Posts: 73 Member
    I like the idea of the cheat day. I am really doing this to maintain a healthy life style and tone up some. I am on 8 days of no smoking also! I just want to be more energized. Its this whole personal renovation I am doing! A new begining!
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I am just begining this diet/exercise thing and I am wondering what everyone's system is. I have just been counting calories and exercising..... Do you have any tips?

    I do watch what I eat because many foods have hidden calories and sodium. So I don't eat ethnic foods, italian (unless is fish), pizza, deserts or sweets. This is not a big deal for me, I don't want to take credit for extrem self control nor I consider myself deprived of anything. However, it does make my cooking and eating out more complicated.

    I mainly eat lots of vegetables (fresh and frozen), fruit, salads with dressing on the side, fish, turkey and chicken. I eat red meat maybe once a month, sometimes less often than that, and ocassionally pork chops. I don't eat white pasta, bread or rice; I go for the whole wheat/brown versions but I don't over do it because I noticed that I feel better when I don't eat too many starches. I also prefer sweet potato to regular potato.

    I excercise everyday and try different activities to keep me motivated. I do yoga, pilates, ballet, 2 days a week of Curve circuit traning and I go to the gym 3 to 5 times a week for weights and additional cardio.

    Keep watching what you eat, excercise and do what you think is best for you. We are all different. Drink lots of water, which is something that I don't do.
  • sarahjo79

    I've been watching Paul McKenna 'Easy Weightloss' DVD and I'm amazed at the difference it has made to my attitude to food, which to be honest was pretty bad! I was really sceptical as I have tried the cd before with the 'I can make you thin' book and it didn't work. I don't know if its the moving pictures which help me to relax and enter some kind of trance..........not sure I can call it that but I do totally switch off, but it's really working this time! Good luck with what ever you try!:smile:
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    I like the idea of the cheat day. I am really doing this to maintain a healthy life style and tone up some. I am on 8 days of no smoking also! I just want to be more energized. Its this whole personal renovation I am doing! A new begining!

    my cheat days are once a week on Sundays - which are my weigh in days also....so I work hard all week, lose weight, and enjoy a day of not thinking about cals but as each week comes, I've been realizing I have been doing pretty good. All week like I think oh I'm so going to eat this on sunday but when sunday comes I really don't go out buying junk food lol
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Spike Diet!

    I have 6 days of a calorie deficit followed by one day of a surplus. Keeps my metabolism honest, and I avoid the dreaded diet plateau.

    I've lost 122lbs and I'm stronger than ever.

    Great idea, I do that too. One day of spluging keeps me from having crazy cravings and over eating other days.. plus it means i can go out with all my friends and not be "weird" lol (well no more weird than normal)

    YEP I do this as well. Workin' like a charm too. Losing the weight, get to splurge if I wanna, and I do not feel deprived at all!!!

    What do you guys mean by "calorie deficit"? Do you eat less than, for instance, 1200 cals? Or do you mean that you are counting calories 6 days a week and not counting on one day?

    I know many people who have a cheat day, it works great for them.
  • Squash97
    You are always welcome to view my food diary if you want. I love looking at other people's diary's and getting ideas for meals and snacks.

    For exercise, I tend to do what I feel up for that day,but I do work out pretty much every day of the week, even if it's just light weights. I do all my work at home either on a treadmill, videos, or my own hand held weights and exercise bands. I try to do 30-45 minutes minimum, but if I'm having a rough day I'll just stand and do some strength training or a light 20 minute work out. I do turbo jam, jog, 30-day shred, and free weights/bands. I hope this helps! It's great to get ideas from others. The important thing is to find something that you enjoy and will look forward to instead of dread! :)
  • HardKnocks
    watch out for sugar. i make sure to monitor my sugar intake. its pretty wild how many things that you think are totally okay have tons of sugar in them. thats really the difference maker when getting rid of the wiggle. Good Luck!
  • susiewusie
    susiewusie Posts: 432 Member
    I have never heard of the spike diet ,going to look now :)
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    I have PCOS and insulin resitance, so I mainly stay away from carbs... however, I do eat healthy carbs such as Brown Rice, Wheat Pasta, Yams, etc.. I know which items are going to spike my blood sugar and avoid those items... If I am craving something I do have it and then pair it with another low carb/slow carb item to keep my BS down.

    I also workout 5-6 days a week, 3 of them with a trainer.

    My husband my mom and I have been following this way of life since March and combined we have lost 140lbs!
  • smallfatpenguin
    That's just amazing! You are an inspiration. I have lost 8lbs in 5 weeks but a long long way to go... the longest journey starts with a single step, though, hey?!
    Well done!
  • jacksonalan
    I get up before dawn and fast walk anywhere between 4 and 8 miles (one lap through two neighborhoods is 2 miles). I use an Omron 3-axis pedometer which measures times, distance and calories burned (you enter your age, and stride distance). I had surgery in May for a ruptured disk and blood tests showed low thyroid activity and very high sugar. Therefore, I have been eating a low-carb, no sugar diet. I eat my three or four small meals and snack for less 1390 calories/day, plus I eat about 75% of my exercise calories which adds another 600-800 on days that I walk (I usually take Sundays off and when it rains). On days that I walk, I do mix 4 servings of the EAS Whey Protein chocolate powder with 20 oz. of ice cold water in a blender. That's good for 520 instant calories that I don't have to worry about consuming.

    On surgery day (May 19), I weighed 213. I found and started MFP on Aug 10 and weighed 206.8. I am currently at 187.8. My goal is 170.

    I do weigh myself every day after walking. It does take a few days for my pre-walking weight to catch up to my post-walking sweating weight... but I am progressing nicely.

    Some of my meals/snacks:
    2 lb. pepperoni stick (cut into 8ths for 4 oz. servings)
    Kroger Carbmaster yogurts
    Fried eggs/omelets/hard boiled
    Turkey bacon (Sam's sells OscarMeyer box of 3 pkgs.) - 35 cals per slice
    Swiss cheese slices
    Bulk packs of hamburger.... make patties and freeze between wax paper. Insert dinner knife and twist to separate for cooking. Melt cheese on top, add garlic powder/onion powder... or maybe a fresh onion slice!
    Bulk cole slaw (also at Sams)
    I do drink diet sodas... my vice (love Diet Orange Crush).
    No sugars, very little coffee w/Splenda, NO bread, NO pasta, NO rice (for now, will do brown rice in future).
    Frozen bags of veggies that you can microwave... very filling.
    Chew sugarless gum while walking (5 calories per stick) to keep mouth from drying out.
    Wear good sneakers! I get sore feet and use those blue car wax pads (wal-mart or auto supply store) inside the sock behind the toes... my feet are very flat. Inside the sock because they don't move around.
    No alcohol, take a multi-vitamin.
    Count EVERY calorie... be exact... I also use the iTouch application that syncs up with the main site.
    I use the iTouch with a good set of earbuds... I have over 10,000 songs on it... and make a nightly playlist of 50 songs for the next day.... mixing pop with country and put it on shuffle. I'll go through about 40 songs on my walk... and save the leftovers for the next day and add to it. Wear a reflective vest if you do walk in the dark... and walk FACING traffic!!! Don't get yourself killed!
    For a guilty pleasure, I'll snack on Kroger frozen sugar-free banana pops.... 15-20 calories each... were recently on sale (box of 12 were 10 for $10.
    I'll also smoke chicken or pork outside on the weekends. Leftovers are torn off the bones and heat up in a frying pan with fresh peppers and onions.

    That's it... get into the early morning walks... it's motivating!
  • tater8589
    Spike Diet!

    I have 6 days of a calorie deficit followed by one day of a surplus. Keeps my metabolism honest, and I avoid the dreaded diet plateau.

    I've lost 122lbs and I'm stronger than ever.

    Great idea, I do that too. One day of spluging keeps me from having crazy cravings and over eating other days.. plus it means i can go out with all my friends and not be "weird" lol (well no more weird than normal)

    YEP I do this as well. Workin' like a charm too. Losing the weight, get to splurge if I wanna, and I do not feel deprived at all!!!

    What do you guys mean by "calorie deficit"? Do you eat less than, for instance, 1200 cals? Or do you mean that you are counting calories 6 days a week and not counting on one day?

    I know many people who have a cheat day, it works great for them.

    I count cals every day but one day a week I don't worry about going over. I don't go totally crazy but I eat what I couldn' t if I was really trying to stay with in 1200.