Stuck on weight !! :(

I'm a 5'5 19yo, weight 136. Goal weight 128.
I have been 136 for AGES !!
Typical day :
Food -
Cereal for breakfast - 168 kcal
Sandwich for lunch (chicken / tuna) no more than 320 kcal.
Apple + pear with lunch.
Dinner - no more than 700 kcal.
Glass of milk.
Exercise - at least 30 mins walking, generally 40 mins horse riding (hard work as vigorous dressage - stomach muscles etc)
Horse mucking out of 6 horses twice a day and college in between.
Would say I'm fairly active & don't eat bad. Normally net 1100 kcal a day.
Generally stay under all other guideline fat, carbs etc. occasionally 2g ove r fat at most and sometimes over sugar if I eat loads of fruit.
I'm fairly toned already from horse riding just have a bit of fat everywhere that I want to lose. Any tips on losing last 8Ibs?
Thank in advance
Ellen xx


  • P.s tried reducing foods more but felt exhausted I couldn't stay awake around 12-3. Was falling asleep in class & unable to concentrate. I have come so far losing 28Ib just want to lose the last 8 !
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    You can vary the amount you wish to lose in a day. Why are you fixated on this specific number? If I was you I'd eat some more food and concentrate more on fitness rather than weight loss there is plenty of good advice on the fitness board. This will likely give you more visual differences than any variable number on a scale. Good luck
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    with 8lb to go you should set MFP to lose 0.5lb per week and eat back exercise cals. theres no need to eat so little... i am 5ft5 and 135lbs and i am losing weight on net 1800 cals.

    just make sure you are weighing and measuring everything you eat accurately!
  • 128 is just where I would like to be. Don't know why but, everyone has goals & when I started weight loss I aimed for this and if I didn't reach it I would feel like is failed c
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    The last few lbs are always the hardest to lose, especially if you're easily a healthy weight already.

    I'd suggest you net slightly more calories. I found I lost more weight when I increased my calories from 1200-1500 (I didn't eat back exercise calories though).

    I'd also suggest eating something with protein in it for breakfast, like eggs. I do eat cereal sometimes, for convenience, but I find I get more hungry sooner.

    What sort of things do you eat for dinner?
  • with 8lb to go you should set MFP to lose 0.5lb per week and eat back exercise cals. theres no need to eat so little... i am 5ft5 and 135lbs and i am losing weight on net 1800 cals.

    just make sure you are weighing and measuring everything you eat accurately!

    So I need to eat more to lose? That's so hard to understand. I am a bit OCD so measure everything out - breakfast cereal, rice. The lot. What kind of foods do you eat to get the lcals as I'm just not hungry & struggle to eat them x
  • ThePersnicketyOtter
    ThePersnicketyOtter Posts: 147 Member
    It's not about the number on the scale. Don't get so caught up in "I need to reach THIS NUMBER and everything will be perfect." You should focus on what your body looks like instead of reaching that number. And, you could try building muscle rather than losing weight. Toning those areas that you're unhappy with might help more than you think, even though you are already pretty active.
  • The last few lbs are always the hardest to lose, especially if you're easily a healthy weight already.

    I'd suggest you net slightly more calories. I found I lost more weight when I increased my calories from 1200-1500 (I didn't eat back exercise calories though).

    I'd also suggest eating something with protein in it for breakfast, like eggs. I do eat cereal sometimes, for convenience, but I find I get more hungry sooner.

    What sort of things do you eat for dinner?

    With only 25 mins after doing horses to get reasu for college I only have time for cereal ( an improvement as I never ate breakfast).
    Dinner - jacket potato & salad.
    Chicken salad, chicken & rice. Lean mince with whole meal pasta spay Bol. Low fat curry (small portion).
    Always tends to have at least one fruit / veg and never comes in any more that 700. Even if the family splash out on pizza or chips I have a very small amount x
  • I couldn't tell you - it was my goal 2 yrs ago & I want to reach it lol. Will defo look at strenghy for toning - just feel I have a general layer if fat I wanna lose x
  • The last few lbs are always the hardest to lose, especially if you're easily a healthy weight already.

    I'd suggest you net slightly more calories. I found I lost more weight when I increased my calories from 1200-1500 (I didn't eat back exercise calories though).

    I'd also suggest eating something with protein in it for breakfast, like eggs. I do eat cereal sometimes, for convenience, but I find I get more hungry sooner.

    What sort of things do you eat for dinner?

    With only 25 mins after doing horses to get reasu for college I only have time for cereal ( an improvement as I never ate breakfast).
    Dinner - jacket potato & salad.
    Chicken salad, chicken & rice. Lean mince with whole meal pasta spay Bol. Low fat curry (small portion).
    Always tends to have at least one fruit / veg and never comes in any more that 700. Even if the family splash out on pizza or chips I have a very small amount x

    You could hard boil a dozen eggs in advance.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    with 8lb to go you should set MFP to lose 0.5lb per week and eat back exercise cals. theres no need to eat so little... i am 5ft5 and 135lbs and i am losing weight on net 1800 cals.

    just make sure you are weighing and measuring everything you eat accurately!

    So I need to eat more to lose? That's so hard to understand. I am a bit OCD so measure everything out - breakfast cereal, rice. The lot. What kind of foods do you eat to get the lcals as I'm just not hungry & struggle to eat them x

    dont look at is as eating more to lose weight, look at it as moving towards maintenance... at some point you need to eat more to maintain your weight...

    as someone else has said, worry less about the number and more about how you look... i probably only want to lose about 2-3 more lbs, i am more bothered about my bodyfat - i just go by progress pictures. as for what i eat, if you add me you can look in my diary.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Must try harder. If you arent losing weight, it is your real, honest calorie intake that needs to come down.
  • Thank you x
  • Must try harder. If you arent losing weight, it is your real, honest calorie intake that needs to come down.

    Helpful ! But I get what your saying - but I literally weigh all my food out as I have digital scales. When I was netting 600-800kcal a day by the end of two weeks I hadn't lost any weight & was so exhausted and depressed.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Must try harder. If you arent losing weight, it is your real, honest calorie intake that needs to come down.

    Helpful ! But I get what your saying - but I literally weigh all my food out as I have digital scales. When I was netting 600-800kcal a day by the end of two weeks I hadn't lost any weight & was so exhausted and depressed.

    I know I sound simplistic, but if you were being specific and running at a calorie loss, you would be losing weight....
  • Must try harder. If you arent losing weight, it is your real, honest calorie intake that needs to come down.

    Helpful ! But I get what your saying - but I literally weigh all my food out as I have digital scales. When I was netting 600-800kcal a day by the end of two weeks I hadn't lost any weight & was so exhausted and depressed.

    I know I sound simplistic, but if you were being specific and running at a calorie loss, you would be losing weight....

    My gues would be that mfp are over generous with calories burned on exercise as I can guarantee food is correct, therefore I am netting more and not burning what I think I am
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    The last few lbs are always the hardest to lose, especially if you're easily a healthy weight already.

    I'd suggest you net slightly more calories. I found I lost more weight when I increased my calories from 1200-1500 (I didn't eat back exercise calories though).

    I'd also suggest eating something with protein in it for breakfast, like eggs. I do eat cereal sometimes, for convenience, but I find I get more hungry sooner.

    What sort of things do you eat for dinner?

    With only 25 mins after doing horses to get reasu for college I only have time for cereal ( an improvement as I never ate breakfast).
    Dinner - jacket potato & salad.
    Chicken salad, chicken & rice. Lean mince with whole meal pasta spay Bol. Low fat curry (small portion).
    Always tends to have at least one fruit / veg and never comes in any more that 700. Even if the family splash out on pizza or chips I have a very small amount x

    You could hard boil a dozen eggs in advance.

    I do poached eggs and it doesn't take long. I don't have that long to get ready in the morning, as well as getting a 2 and 4 year old ready, and I make time for a decent breakfast. Porridge is really quick too and more filling than cereal.
  • add more protein to your diet.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Must try harder. If you arent losing weight, it is your real, honest calorie intake that needs to come down.

    Helpful ! But I get what your saying - but I literally weigh all my food out as I have digital scales. When I was netting 600-800kcal a day by the end of two weeks I hadn't lost any weight & was so exhausted and depressed.

    I know I sound simplistic, but if you were being specific and running at a calorie loss, you would be losing weight....

    My gues would be that mfp are over generous with calories burned on exercise as I can guarantee food is correct, therefore I am netting more and not burning what I think I am

    If I were you though, I wouldnt believe that. I go running frequently. MFP puts in an average estimate. I however track my runs using GPS watch which takes into account elevation and other variables - exact speed at any given moment for example - and the watch always has me down as burning more than what MFP says.

    I am not saying you are making it up but when you say 'I can guarantee food is correct' - I have seen documentaries about people who bemoan the fact that they eat healthy and cant lose weight. They range from the people who 'accidentally' forget they had a huge bacon and egg baguette for breakfast, to the people who just simply dont clock a small helping of mayonnaise at lunch, a pinch of this and that at dinner time - and this usually proves to be the difference.

    When I lost weight I didnt bother weighing things. I estimated, but I made sure that every item I ate was accounted for to some extent. It is much better to overestimate calorie intake/underestimate burn rate in any case.