Lost motivation

dastephlu Posts: 17
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I am having a extremely hard time getting my motivation back. I have diet several times before using diet pills with sucess and had managed to keep the weight off in the pass until I hit some type of bump in the road. First time I was at my heaviest 235lbs, lost 90lbs within 4-5 months, kept that weight off for 3 years, hit a depression point, weighed in at 197, went back on diet pills, lost 47lbs in 4 months, gained again after losing my job, back up to 198.
My husband signed me up to MFP in May i believe, and I actually did pretty good losing 10lbs or so in a month on my own without depending on any type of diet pills. I want to do it on my own in a healthy way. In July we went on a 30 day family vacation to say goodbye to our family members (we're military and have been stationed in overseas), so that threw me completely off the routine I was having sucess with. Now that we're in our new place, I'm having a very hard time getting myself back into that routine. Every morning I wake up saying this is the day, but end up failing and disappointing myself *sigh*. How can I gain that motivation back?


  • rfialkiewicz
    rfialkiewicz Posts: 183 Member
    S. Beckett said my favorite thing, in fact, it's on my profile. "Try Again, Fail Again. Fail Better."

    When they asked Thomas Edison how he didn't get discouraged after those hundreds of times he failed to make a light bulb he replied, "I didn't fail. I discovered (so many) hundred ways not to make a light bulb."

    When I'm in your spot and having to start over every day I like to look at it this way. "Today is another day I learned what doesn't work. Tomorrow will be a day I will get to try again."

    Don't beat yourself up about not making it today. Think about how to learn from today's mistakes and make tomorrow better.

    DON'T QUIT. Don't let it win. You can beat this. You just try again and if you fail again, then fail better.

    A failure today is a chance to succeed tomorrow.
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    You can do it! Here are some tips that have helped me and others: Eat breakfast. Bulk up on veggies. Join a weight loss support group in your area if one exists. Give yourself grace for the hard days: everyday should be a new chance for success, not time to beat yourself up over what happened yesterday. Don't give up, but continue to learn from those bumps in the road :)
  • I see a lot about dieting and diet pills but you did not mention exercise. The thing that motivates me is a good workout. It's part of my daily routine. There are days I need to really make myself get out there and do it but afterwards I feel like I am my own master. It's when I'm sitting around and not busting my butt that food starts talking to me.
  • i feel ya! ive lost with diet pills in teh past too, and find motivation being my biggest battle now. i always seem to only get motivated even more so after i start seeing results....
    what pills were you on??? lol, psssh, im still interested, 90 lbs in 4-5 months- IM IN!
    anyways, just stay strong....and remember how you looked and felt during that time in your life you were smaller-healthier......and let that be your motivation. ive just had bad days-and can only thin kabout pizza, like, "take that"....but really, id be hurting myself....lool, glad i didnt do it. =)
    just stay strong....put a nice pic of you on your fridge!!! what are your biggest battles??? add me! =)
  • ssmom
    ssmom Posts: 128 Member
    Is there one thing in particular that you are having trouble with or is it multiple things? Maybe focus on what is keeping you from staying motivated and try to overcome that. Besides, one day at a time...you don't have to do everything all at once. Start with something small, splenda instead of sugar in your coffee and the next day change something else. I am having a bit of a difficult time after this holiday weekend splurging but I can't let all my hard work go to waste. Hope you find what works for you and good luck!
  • freebirdsnsc
    freebirdsnsc Posts: 56 Member
    First of all....thank you! Thank you for your sacrifice as a military family. I appreciate those who serve and have a deep love and respect for their families.

    Stop looking at this as a diet but a healthy way of living. Living healthier can help you deal with so much more than not
    This is what Ive finally had to get in my head to start succeeding.....I had gained so much weight that not a day has gone by this past year that I wasnt in pain....some days almost unbearable. The breaking point was when my husband had to help me put on socks and my shoes because I couldnt stand the pain of bending to put them on.

    Diet is a dirty word......strive for a healthy lifestyle because diets always fail
    Cows graze.....We are not cows but beautiful women....ok and handsome fellows:)
    Food is a fuel for our body machine...NOT a hobby!
    Its up to us to learn that we need to make certain pit stops during the day using the absolutely best fuel to put in our awesomely made body machine
    If we choose cheap fuel aka junk food, fatty foods, sugary foods our machine cant run properly and will wear out sooner than if we had taken care of it.....we will develop all kinds of internal problems

    Strive for 30 minutes of exercise a day....it can be walking...dancing riding a bike....make it fun:)
    I also recommend weight training 3 days a week

    Start counting your calories by using MFP as a tool....choose real food veggies fruit lean meats ect
    DO NOT DIP BELOW 1000 cal a day.....that is NOT healthy

    to really see dramatic results eat 5 times a day....you wont get hungry and your metabolism will rocket

    Last but not least Diet pills are a big no no......leave em alone see above Diet is a dirty word......

    Choose healthy lifestyle changes

    and the good thing about that EVERY DAY is a new beginning.....need encouragement add me:) I will encourage you daily:)
  • Thank you everyone for the positive responses, I'll be sure to take them all to heart.
    @ billgiersburg, I was doing excercises when I started on MFP. When I signed up, we were basically living out of our suitcases in a hotel while we had our house up for rent in hopes it would rent out before we headed overseas. I had access to the small excercise room doing the treadmill @ 3.7 for 20-30 mins everyday, along with the excersise bike for 20-30 mins, plus being able to take a dip in the pool. Here, we decided to live off base, so getting to the fitness center is a bit of a challange, for now at least until we get a second vehicle. Walking outside can be done, BUT it gets extremely hot and humid outside, you can break a sweat in just a min of standing out there, and it's pretty much like this year around. We do have a pool here, and i've gone in it a few times but it becomes very boring being out there by yourself. I get my husband out there when he has the time, but there's a lot of the time he just can't make it.

    @phxmamichula, the diet pills have been long gone off the market since it had ephedra in it. Sorry! :)

    @freebirdsnsc, I do agree Diet IS a dirty word! :) & I refuse to go back on any diet pill. It's as I said I want to do this in a healthy way :) Just having the hardest time trying to find a new routine and motivation to do it. I understand the small meals thoughout the day, one of my biggest problems was breakfast. I used to not be able to eat any kind of breakfast in the morning and if I did eat breakfast, I would feel so sick afterwards. I was the "give me coffee and i'm good to go" type of person, but I have managed to overcome that , weither it's a bananna with nutrigrain bar, or yogurt with a fruit cup or something to that effect, I now eat breakfast every morning . I've been able to manage portion controls through lunch and dinner and hitting within my calorie goal most of the time so eatting isn't what i'm losing motivation in. It's just how to get back out and excersise. I don't want to just maintain what I have lost since there's 40+ lbs I want to lose :)
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    Welcome to your new base/post/etc.! I'm retired military myself, so I know it can be a challenge trying to get around without a car. Might I suggest that, once you get to know a few folks, perhaps you can find another spouse in your husband's unit who is also interested in getting to the base gym, and you could carpool with her and have a workout partner to motivate you as well. The base gym also usually has cardio classes you could go to that would keep things from getting boring for you. Best of luck in your new assignment!
  • freebirdsnsc
    freebirdsnsc Posts: 56 Member
    Miller11 is right....I know from all my connections a base is a small city within itself:)......make friends and get busy:) you can do it!
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