An Impossible Dream

Hi everyone, I am not much of a post-er, pretty private actually. But I need support, so here's my story in a nutshell. I have struggled with my weight for as long as I could remember. I've lost 50 pounds (4/5 years ago using Fitday on my PC) only to gain it all back and then some. Losing it was a relief...knowing it can be done gives me hope. Still, I just can't seem to turn the switch on.

I am 39 and I just had my 3rd baby. After having her (she is almost 9 mths), I felt so hungry all of the time. I ate and ate and felt like I was a bottomless pit!!! I never felt so hungry like I did the first few months after her birth. I felt worried and disgusted with myself, even as ALL of my friends and family told me "you're nursing! Relax!" And relax, I did!! So here I am, just about to hit 200lbs, feeling the worst I've ever felt. But what scares me is I can't seem to motivate myself to lose any of it. I don't have energy to exercise. It takes every ounce of my remaining mental strength to just NOT stuff myself.

I have every reason in the world to be motivated...a beautiful family, a great life overall. I have a trip planned for Dec2014 (don't laugh I like to plan ahead), our family's first trip to Disney World. So why can't I just get back on the wagon?

Everywhere I read how important sleep is to help lose weight and feel good mentally. Problem is, I am nursing twice a night. I go to bed shortly after the baby does, around 10, but then I'm up again by 1:00am and then again at 4:30. She's not much for sleeping, and I feel so sleep deprived as a result.

Has anyone else struggled with weightless and sleepless nights with a baby? How did you motivate yourself while semi-conscious?? Is this even possible? I really hope it is.


  • ataylorgardner
    ataylorgardner Posts: 203 Member
    My babies are 14 and 16 years old and back then weight was not an issue for me so unfortunately I cant help you there. What I can say is yes sleep is obviously important but you can still make progress with your current schedule. I would start with making sure you are getting enough to eat. Maybe talk to your doctor or have him refer you to a nutritionist to help make sure you are still getting what you need while breast feeding. As for the exercise just do what you can until your baby starts sleeping through the night. Im not sure where you live so I dont know what the weather is like but maybe try taking short walks with the baby in a stroller, even if you have to go to a local mall or someplace you can do it indoors. or look up some workout videos on youtube you can do in your living room. Start with doing a few jumping jacks, crunches,leg lifts or something along those lines just to get you use to exercising again. the more you start moving the better you will start to feel. Give it some time and start small. Just keep moving a little more each day and you will get there. Most importantly dont let yourself get discouraged. If you dont workout one day or youre eating isnt so healthy dont beat yourself up about it just move forward the next day. Best of luck
  • foodfrenzied
    Thank you so much for your reply! Yes, I am definitely getting enough to eat... That was the problem, being tired and breast feeding just seemed to boost my hunger to the point where I was eating about 4000 calories or more a day. I am now eating better, forcing myself to eat normal portions, and healthier options (for the past 5 days!) and it is going well.

    Great advice on the exercise, I live in Toronto and it is currently very snowy, icy and freezing out. So I've been a bit of a hermit, not going out nearly as much as usual, keeping the baby in the warm house! Hopefully this weather will warm up a little and we can do more walks. She does like to sleep in the stroller!
  • karri82
    karri82 Posts: 52 Member
    Just a thought can you pump some milk and get your other half to do one of the feeds to help you get some extra sleep, when I was feeding mine I was always told one bottle really won't make any difference, plus baby will still be getting all the nutrients