T25- Who's done it?

Hey Everyone! I'm really interested in trying Shaun T's T25 Program but wanted to get people's opionions who have done it. I did Insanity last year and I felt awesome during the program, I didn't lose any weight but I felt strong and toned. The only problem is how time consuimg the program was. I recently started a new job, moved to a new town, and I'm planning my wedding so I'm crazy busy and would really like to start working out on a regular basis.. with my schedule, T25 sounds perfect! So I'm looking for people who have finished the program, would you recommend it?! I don't want to invest all the money if people didn't like it.. so I'd like to hear how you like the alpha & beta? Also, once you completed that program, did you also then purchase gamma? If so, was it worth it?! What were your results like?!

Thanks Everyone!!!!


  • lechristina3
    lechristina3 Posts: 16 Member
    I LOVE T25!! It was awesome, and literally 25 min every day.

    Here's the catch - on Fridays you double up on workouts. Really you do 50 minutes on Fridays. Also, there is a stretch DVD to do on Sunday (also 25 minutes). I guess you could skip it, but it is WORTH IT! Stretch became my favorite day.

    I lost 7 pound and 14 total inches with alpha and beta. However, I did not keep track of my calories like I should have, otherwise I probably would have lost more.

    I did purchase gamma, and I love it too. It was worth every penny. I didn't weigh/measure myself afterward though, so I cannot tell you my results.

    Good luck with everything!! Hope this helps!
  • mdcoug
    mdcoug Posts: 397 Member
    I did it, but it's not my favorite. I think that if I wasn't trying to do it first thing in the morning, I might have enjoyed it more, but as it was, I just didn't have the energy for it. I've been doing the 30-day challenge here: http://www.benderfitness.com/ and have been enjoying it much more than T25. And it's free!
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Following-I am debating getting this program too and if the money is worth
  • angelapolite72
    angelapolite72 Posts: 26 Member
    Following-I am debating getting this program too and if the money is worth

    Me too!
  • just35lbstogo
    just35lbstogo Posts: 53 Member
    I know a lot of people that absolutely LOVE T25... personally, I am not one of them. Beta was MUCH better than Alpha but it still couldn't keep my interest. I prefer Insanity over T25. I would rather do 1 hr workouts 6 days a week than 25 minute workouts (1 Mon-Thur, 2 on Fri) 5 days a week. They just simply weren't for me I guess. I did get okay results (nothing incredible - it's only 25 minutes) but I got so bored with it I only finished 7 or 8 weeks (there are 10 all together with Alpha and Beta).

    But again, I've talked to a lot of people that really loved them.
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    It's worth every penny, trust.

    You are sweating your balls off for the whole 25 minutes. Shaun does not play, there are no breaks. I have done alpha and beta phase, and also gamma phase. He might be developing a delta phase. If Shaun T comes out with a phase for each letter of the alphabet I will buy them all.

    I am doing X3 right now but when I finish it, I will be using T25 on my cross training days during my marathon training schedule. I have never, EVER been more fit in my life than when I was doing T25.
  • 4daluvof_candice
    4daluvof_candice Posts: 483 Member
    Im in the second week of T25 ALPHA and I like it becasue of the TIME.
  • Ddc76
    Ddc76 Posts: 14
    Tomorrow is the end of my 4th week for alpha. So far I'm down 11 pounds and 3 inches off my waist. And just like some of the other users, I like it because of the time. I can't wait to start beta and I'm definitely going to order gamma.
  • swalk24
    I'm just starting week 5 of alpha. I'm looking forward to trying beta because alpha is getting repetitive. I do like the brevity of the workouts and Shaun T always keeps me engaged. I'm also adding in a few days of weight training because I like it. I've lost quite a few inches and I can tell I'm losing jiggle, but my weight is about the same.
  • Supertact
    Supertact Posts: 466 Member
    I'm half way through week 4 of 5 in the Alpha phase. I'm always sweating my balls off and it is well designed.

    If you have time for insanity I'd suggest do that instead, but if you are the type of person where you need to crunch in a workout this is perfect being 25 mins and you can just do 1 on Friday and 1 on Saturday instead of doubling up.

    I'd recommend it.
  • angelapolite72
    angelapolite72 Posts: 26 Member
    My library has Insanity and T25, so I'll try it out first without having to spend the money!
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I did Alpha and Beta, never went on to Gamma because by that point I was bored and ready to move on to something different. I lost about 5.5 lbs and 5 inches while I was doing the program, so be aware that the results they show in the ads are not the norm. The time was the main factor in my choosing the program. For those of you concerned about the cost, you may be able to get them from your library, or find someone who has them who will lend them to you - I borrowed mine from my husband's coworker. I'm not sure if any of the workouts are online, but I know some sites have done reviews of all the workouts so you can see what to expect.