Hello new fitnesspal member

Hello, I've been doing south beach diet since June started at 223 down to 207. Just got introduced to myfitness pal today. Does calorie counting really work? My goal is to weigh 170.


  • debbie1268
    This site will help you out sooo much.. give it a try...Yes it really works
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    this site is awesome. there is alot of information, motivation and encouragement here and Yes calorie counting really works give it a try
  • Ladysarah
    This is day one for me too. My best friend was around 230 when she start on here. She is down to195! So I had to try it for myself. Great job on South Beach! You should be very proud of yourself! I have 50 pounds to lose. It is about my health now not just my ego. Lol
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 672 Member
    Calorie counting absolutely works! There is no "magic pill", just eating the right foods, the right portions and exercise will help you. I've lost 42 pounds (11 more till my goal weight) and my husband has lost 90 (10 more till goal weight). This site is wonderful!