guestimate my body fat

My scale tells me 16-17%, what do you guys think?




  • Blue801
    Blue801 Posts: 442
    I'm guessing around 50%, just from those 2 pics. And I'm a doctor, so you can trust me. Scales lie.
  • Dandman1990
    Dandman1990 Posts: 196 Member
    I'm going to come across as a totaly douche but oh well... Why on earth are you asking people to guess your body fat %? If you really think it's wrong simply go to your doctor and get it measured or find a fitness expert that can do it, or any other option. If you don't think it's wrong then why the heck does this exist?
  • alexanderzamani
    alexanderzamani Posts: 25 Member
    Hey, just figured I'd answer your questions.

    Firstly, I have a feeling it might be wrong, but I'm not sure.

    Secondly, doctor's here in the UK won't generally measure your bodyfat unless it's for medical reasons.

    Thirdly, I don't have the money right now to get my bodyfat measured by a fitness expert.

    It's not really a big deal, but I'm just curious.
  • Dandman1990
    Dandman1990 Posts: 196 Member
    Are you registered with a GP? My doctor had no problem with measuring my body fat when I went in for a checkup and it only took a few minutes. You can also just ask t oget a medical certificate where they will give you a full medical evaluation and it costs upto £10 and can be free (depends on your specific doctor/surgery etc I guess). And I'm in the U.K too.
  • TomfromNY
    TomfromNY Posts: 100 Member
  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member

    Get a body fat caliper for a couple pounds.
  • joan23_us
    joan23_us Posts: 263 Member
    looks like your scale is right, its about that much bodyfat no more than 20 percent no less than 15 percent by the looks of it, though if i may suggest, add a little bit of muscle mass coz low bodyfat will mean little if your LBM is low as well, take a look at my pics, the last pic was about i think 13-15 percent bodyfat still high although a little muscle mass goes a long way.
  • alexanderzamani
    alexanderzamani Posts: 25 Member
    oh nice, didn't know that. Yeah, I might go for that.