What's your favorite treadmill workout?

This polar vortex is really putting a cramp in my running style. I live in Michigan where our winters are normally cold and snowy. Despite this, I have managed for the past two winters to keep running outside. This winter, however, it is just not possible (safe) so I am relegated to the treadmill.

When I first started running I only ran on a treadmill so I didn't know what I was missing, but now that I've been running exclusively outside for 2.5 years I am having a very hard time sticking to my mileage plan on top of that dreaded machine.

This week I've been mixing things up and varying my speed... after a 10 minute warm up I increase my pace +.5 mph and stay there for 3 minutes and then back down to warm up pace for two minutes. Then I go +1.0 mph for 3 minutes and then back down to warm up pace for two minutes then repeat.

With this routine I managed to power through 5 miles yesterday. Changing the speed definitely helped and paying attention so I knew when to change the pace kept my mind off how incredibly bored I was....

So now I'm looking for other routines/variations of the treadmill workout. Please share :flowerforyou:


  • ibleedunionblue
    ibleedunionblue Posts: 324 Member
    I switch it up to keep it fresh: Here is my latest....

    1 mile warmup
    1 m. incline = 2.5%, speed 6.5.
    1 m. incline = 3%, speed 6.5.
    1 m. incline = 3.5%, speed 6.5.
    1 m. incline = 4%, speed 6.5.
    1 m. incline = 4.5%, speed 6.5.
    1 m. incline = 5%, speed 6.5.
    1/2 m. incline = 4.5%, speed 6.6.
    1/2 m. incline = 4.0%, speed 6.6.
    1/2 m. incline = 3.5%, speed 6.6.
    1/2 m. incline = 3%, speed 6.6.
    1 m. finish. incline 0.5%, Speed 7.1 - 7.4
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 559 Member
    anyone else????
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    HIIT running with variable inclines, love it!

  • runforfun2day
    I have had the same problem, it is just too cold to run outside. What I have been doing is running on the treadmill with the TV's closed caption turned on. I find myself so busy reading, It helps the time go by a little faster.
  • spetermann190
    spetermann190 Posts: 289 Member
    Smashing said treadmill??!! ;) ... I like the arc trainer now... Used run on treadmill but knees don't like it anymore :(
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    The one I stay on longer because their is a cute chic with a pony tail in front of me.....
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    I say blow the treadmill up!!! LOL!!!

    My hat's off to you for getting in 5 yesterday. I'm pumped NE OH is going to have lovely temps tomorrow...I might actually be able to get back to my training plan!!!

    I used to watch any of the Bourne Identity/Supremacy/Ultimatum movies to get me through dreadmill time. I know the movies by heart so I can watch without having to hear every single sentence. And, let's be honest, watching Jason Bourne kick some backsides is waaaay more fun than watching that little red dot go so slowly around that fake little track on the treadmill display!!!

  • leefox79
    leefox79 Posts: 19 Member
    I do about half my runs on the treadmill in the winter (New England) and I get bored very quickly as well. What I have been doing lately is watching Netflix on my iPad, Ive been able to binge watch shows and not feel guilty about it!
    Another thing I have recently been doing is there is an app for the iPad where you download different courses and set the pace that you running on the app and its as if your running that course. There's interactive routes of running around Central Park and also the Boston Marathon. Its not for everyone, but I find it fun to people watch running in central park from the comfort of my house.

  • spetermann190
    spetermann190 Posts: 289 Member
    Music is a MUST!! I think any program with significant and reasonably frequent variation to give your mind "mini-goals" to shoot for! .... If I can just get to that next .... :)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Just did one of my favorites this afternoon!! It's a bit weird but the time sure flies! See details below. I also enjoy doing intervals either with run/walk speed changes or hills - or sometimes a mix of the two.

    TREADMILL CIRCUIT TRAINING: 45 minutes total

    Warm-up 5 minutes at a brisk pace – 3.5 to 4 mph
    Lower speed to 1.2 mph. Hold on to side rails for stability
    - 1 minute lunges. As one foot travels back, bring the other foot forward and lower into a lunge position.
    - 1 minute squats. Place feet on the sides of the machine (off the track), hold lightly on to the front hand rails and lower into a squat position. Make sure you have good form.
    - 1 minute push-ups. Keep feet on sides of machine (off track) but put them further back, hold on front handrails and lower chest. Althernate hand positioning if possible
    - Increase speed back to brisk walking pace for 2 minutes (10 minute total)

    Lower speed to 1.4 mph. Hold on to side rails for stability
    - Turn around and walk backwards for 2 minutes. Once you get into the rhythm, do a bigger range of motion and do a “butt kick” as you bring your foot back.
    - Next two minutes: turn to the side for “grapevines” (one minute per side) When turned to the left, your left foot will go behind your right foot. When turned to the right, your right foot will go behind your left.
    - Increase speed back to brisk walking pace for 2 minutes (16 minute total)

    Lower speed to 1.2 mph
    - 1.5 minute lunges
    - 1.5 minute squats
    - 1 minute push-ups
    Increase speed back to moderate walking pace for 2 minutes (22 minute total)

    Lower speed to 1.4 mph
    - Walk backwards for 2 minutes – include butt kicks
    - Two minute “grapevines”.
    Increase speed back to moderate walking pace for 2 minutes (28 minute total)

    Lower speed to 1.2 mph
    - 1.5 minute lunges
    - 1.5 minute squats
    - 1 minute push-ups
    Increase speed back to moderate walking pace for 2 minutes (34 minute total)

    Lower speed to 1.4 mph
    - Walk backwards for 2 minutes – include butt kicks
    - Two minute “grapevines”.
    Increase speed back to moderate walking pace for 2 minutes (40 minute total)

    Lower speed to 1.2 mph
    1 minute lunges
    1 minute squats
    1 minute push-ups
    Cool-down: Increase speed to only 3 mph for 1 minute then down to 2.5 for the last minute
  • Dan_Druff
    Dan_Druff Posts: 104
  • ibleedunionblue
    ibleedunionblue Posts: 324 Member
    Here's another... Did this one tonight.

    1 mile warmup
    1 m. incline = .5%, speed 7.1
    1 m. incline = .5%, speed 7.2
    1 m. incline = .5%, speed 7.3
    1 m. incline = .5%, speed 7.4
    1 m. incline = .5%, speed 7.5
    1 m. incline = .5%, speed 7.6
    1 m. incline = .5%, speed 7.7
    1 m. incline = .5%, speed 7.8
    1 m. finish. incline .5%, Speed 7.9 - 8.1
  • skyfall91
    I usually mix it up between 3 min runs/2 min walks for 30mins or high incline (6% is the highest I can cope with out of the 10% mine goes up to!) for 30mins. Theres not a huge amount of difference between calories burned for me. In 30mins of run/walk intervals I burn about 210cals and with the high incline walk I burn about 170cals. I choose the high incline walk when I really dont want to run at all lol
  • kels1152
    Heyy...I'm from Michigan too! This winter definitely has put a damper on running outside.
    I love doing intervals on the treadmill. Any sorts of them. One workout I like is
    5 min warmup
    5 min run, comfortable pace
    1 min recover
    4 min run, a little faster,
    1 min recover,
    3 min even faster
    1 min recover
    2 min faster
    1 min recover
    1 min sprint
    1 min recover
    If feeling up for it
    1 min sprint/1 min recover, repeat 4x or go into intervals at an incline slower speed

  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 559 Member
    thanks for the ideas! I"m definitely going to try some of these... mentally preparing for a 5 mile treadmill run in the morning :sad: