Deactivated Friends Shout Outs

Not_Left_Handed Posts: 35 Member

People deactivate for many reasons (myself included) but as I look back to when I started on here a couple of years ago, there sure are a lot of fun friends that I had on here that haven’t come back (at least to my knowledge). So, I’m just here to honor the fallen few that I enjoyed interacting with way back when and not too awfully long ago:

• MeliJean
• BrettPgh
• MariaMaria
• RoxyRae (originally) AngelsinThighHighs when she left
• ArnoldSchwarzeneggerJr (originally) FunctionalAlcoholicBodybuilder when he left
• LovelyLifter
• AmericanCowboy
• Lone_Wolf
• BrownEyedBeauty (originally) – “Twinks” when she "left"

I know I’m missing quite a few, but those are the ones off the top of my head. Who on your list has deactivated that you miss? You never know, they may be back under a new name and just didn't request you back (oh, the horror!)

In order for this thread not get locked, try not to belittle anyone that is mentioned - it's nice seeing old names pop up and I'm sure brings back a lot of memories for a lot of people on here.
