Binge :((((



  • nightcheeselemon

    I could have written this myself. The exact same thing happened to me yesterday and today. Completely clean eating for three weeks, 8 lbs lost, and then yesterday I overdid it on stupid girl scout cookies. Tried to get back on track this morning and then I totally binged at a company lunch. Trying really hard to drag myself out of this mental slump...but it is tough!!!

    Hang in there...and definently don't give up!!! <Saying this to myself as much as to the OP>

    It's so hard isn't it!! I don't know what to do :( all great advice from everyone but it's so hard to put into practise. I deprive myself even though I know it will effect me in the long run (i.e. binging) but I become a bit obsessive and refuse to let myself eat anything bad when it's going well if that makes any sense at all!!?
  • nightcheeselemon
    i go completely without the things i like for a while and then i just go crazy.

    Then don't go without.

    I understand that I should but I can't let myself eat bad things when things are going well. It's hard to explain and I know it sounds stupid :)
  • nightcheeselemon
    It might not seem a lot but I have been eating completely clean for nearly 3 weeks now (that is unbelievable for me because i am literally addicted to food) and last night I had the hugest ugliest binge ever and I literally ate everything I had (i'm at uni). So I was so mad and upset with myself but I got up this morning and decided not to feel sorry for myself but instead to work extra hard, which I did up until lunch and then I cracked AGAIN. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh and now I feel like complete crap and just can't focus on anything or get anything done and all I keep thinking about is eating more. I can't seem to get the balance right, I am all or nothing for some reason, so when I'm eating healthy I won't touch anything remotely unhealthy until I crack (which is's happened before but not this bad). I don't know what to do I feel so helpless and mad and I don't want to repeat this again. I've lost about 9lbs so far in just under 3 weeks but I feel like i've just put it all on again in these last few days. Should I just give up on the diet? I can't remember why I started anyway: food always wins :(

    I could have written this myself. The exact same thing happened to me yesterday and today. Completely clean eating for three weeks, 8 lbs lost, and then yesterday I overdid it on stupid girl scout cookies. Tried to get back on track this morning and then I totally binged at a company lunch. Trying really hard to drag myself out of this mental slump...but it is tough!!!

    Hang in there...and definently don't give up!!! <Saying this to myself as much as to the OP>

    It's so hard isn't it!! I don't know what to do :( all great advice from everyone but it's so hard to put into practise. I deprive myself even though I know it will effect me in the long run (i.e. binging) but I become a bit obsessive and refuse to let myself eat anything bad when it's going well if that makes any sense at all!!?
  • nightcheeselemon
    I literally have had this same situation happen to myself today at lunch and feel awful about it. I know exactly what you mean and have struggled just as hard. You can do it and just allow yourself to eat certain foods that you crave (for me pasta and a little chocolate) every once in a while, but just make sure not to go overboard by filling up on other things with it that are healthy for you (ie lots of veggies and protein in my pasta). You'll get back on track the next day and after a few days, you'll forget all about it. I am trying to practice what I preach as I write this response, so hopefully we can both have a better day's always a new day! Good luck.

    Good luck :) Thank you :)
  • BecciJoWilding
    BecciJoWilding Posts: 50 Member
    allow yourself to eat the foods you want and stay within your calories. I eat healthy overall (100% whole wheat and pasta lean meats, fruits and veggies) but I love love love chocolate and icecream. I let myself have a little treat in the afternoon and after dinner. I use to be the all or nothing dieter too and would find myself binging a lot. The way I am doing it now is teaching me portion control. With my afternoon snack I have one or two pieces of chocolate and it's usually under 100 calories and I usually have it after something healthy (not a full bar). Or I use a food scale and measure out a serving size of icecream. If I do eat a full bar of chocolate cause it's just one of those days, I regret it later cause I find myself hungry because the non filling chocolate bar took up too many calories, so I rarely have those days. I use to couldn't have any sweets in my house cause I would just binge but now I have a treat cupboard of a few of my favorites that I allow myself some of. It's also teaching my kids it's ok to have a little but don't need a lot, cause you'll get a little tomorrow too. When I use to keep all sweets out of the house I would find my kids over indulging in anything sweet when they were around it. That is not a healthy lifestyle.
    I have about the same stats as you so it is encouraging knowing someone else has beaten it :) My problem is I just don't know when to stop once I start binging. How did you overcome it? I just can't seem to change....I feel like if I eat a small bit of something bad one day I may as well eat whatever I want. I know it doesn't work like that but my mind doesn't want to let me think otherwise! sorry for the rant!! congrats on your weight loss so far :)

    Honestly it took awhile. IT's all a mental thing and it's hard. It's learning a new relationship with food. A couple years ago I got a program called Am I Hungry by Dr. Michelle May. IT's a 8 week program that you can choose to do on your own. I Did the program and it really helped. Counting calories or anything like that wasn't a good thing for me, it would trigger my binges. Once I did this program and felt like I was in a better place with food I was just content where I was at and loved myself for me. I just had my son 6 months ago and I decided I have a good enough relationship with food now that I felt it was ok to count my calories again and try to lose weight that way, but I don't deprive myself. IF you really feel like you have a problem and can't afford counseling like I couldn't, then splurge a little on this program, it really helped and it's a lot cheaper than counseling. You have to change your mind set that there is no "good" food or "bad" food. Don't allow yourself to go on strict depriving diets.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    I understand that I should but I can't let myself eat bad things

    It doesn't sound dumb at all. But what things are "bad" things?
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    i go completely without the things i like for a while and then i just go crazy.

    Then don't go without.

    I understand that I should but I can't let myself eat bad things when things are going well. It's hard to explain and I know it sounds stupid :)
    Foods aren't "bad". This mentality is feeding your binge eating. Weight loss/gain is about energy balance. It doesn't sound stupid, and it's very common to think how you're thinking, but it's not healthy, and you're really going to struggle to stop binging if you keep thinking about food in that way.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I used to binge but now I just think...would a skinny person do this? What would a skinny person do? Then I try to do that.
    sorry but skinny people binge too.
    Yes, absolutely, lots of "skinny" people binge, and lots of them have other forms of disordered eating.
  • sillyvalentine
    sillyvalentine Posts: 460 Member
    I used to binge but now I just think...would a skinny person do this? What would a skinny person do? Then I try to do that.
    sorry but skinny people binge too.
    Yes, absolutely, lots of "skinny" people binge, and lots of them have other forms of disordered eating.

    Not the skinny person I want to be. :)

    PS: Why do you have to **** on everything anyone says?
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I used to binge but now I just think...would a skinny person do this? What would a skinny person do? Then I try to do that.
    sorry but skinny people binge too.
    Yes, absolutely, lots of "skinny" people binge, and lots of them have other forms of disordered eating.

    Not the skinny person I want to be. :)

    PS: Why do you have to **** on everything anyone says?
    Didn't know that's what I did. Thanks for letting me know. :flowerforyou:
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,018 Member
    A classic weight loss tale. Moral of the story; don't deprive yourself.:smile:
  • nightcheeselemon
    I understand that I should but I can't let myself eat bad things

    It doesn't sound dumb at all. But what things are "bad" things?

    I would consider bad things like chocolate, bread, chips etc
  • nightcheeselemon
    i go completely without the things i like for a while and then i just go crazy.

    Then don't go without.

    I understand that I should but I can't let myself eat bad things when things are going well. It's hard to explain and I know it sounds stupid :)
    Foods aren't "bad". This mentality is feeding your binge eating. Weight loss/gain is about energy balance. It doesn't sound stupid, and it's very common to think how you're thinking, but it's not healthy, and you're really going to struggle to stop binging if you keep thinking about food in that way.

    Ok thank you that helps :) I would still say certain foods are bad such as milk chocolate, white bread, chips (or fries)...all of which I love haha
  • Whambam087
    I just started doing IIFYM and so far I love it! I eat healthy most of the day, but then after dinner I'll have met my protein and fat macros for the most part and ilI have a little bit of an allowance for carb calories (which is what most yummy treats are) so I'll have a treat. Lately it has been icecream lol. Tried the whole clean thing but really why wait for such and such day to have a treat when I can easily fit it into my day. That way I don't feel deprived. Works for me.
  • tataylllor
    tataylllor Posts: 51 Member
    allow yourself to eat the foods you want and stay within your calories. I eat healthy overall (100% whole wheat and pasta lean meats, fruits and veggies) but I love love love chocolate and icecream. I let myself have a little treat in the afternoon and after dinner. I use to be the all or nothing dieter too and would find myself binging a lot. The way I am doing it now is teaching me portion control. With my afternoon snack I have one or two pieces of chocolate and it's usually under 100 calories and I usually have it after something healthy (not a full bar). Or I use a food scale and measure out a serving size of icecream. If I do eat a full bar of chocolate cause it's just one of those days, I regret it later cause I find myself hungry because the non filling chocolate bar took up too many calories, so I rarely have those days. I use to couldn't have any sweets in my house cause I would just binge but now I have a treat cupboard of a few of my favorites that I allow myself some of. It's also teaching my kids it's ok to have a little but don't need a lot, cause you'll get a little tomorrow too. When I use to keep all sweets out of the house I would find my kids over indulging in anything sweet when they were around it. That is not a healthy lifestyle.

    I have about the same stats as you so it is encouraging knowing someone else has beaten it :) My problem is I just don't know when to stop once I start binging. How did you overcome it? I just can't seem to change....I feel like if I eat a small bit of something bad one day I may as well eat whatever I want. I know it doesn't work like that but my mind doesn't want to let me think otherwise! sorry for the rant!! congrats on your weight loss so far :)

    This is exactly me!! I have been binging the past weeks and gained all my weight back.. I need a balance, but when I attempt it, I just go all out!! :c
  • Xenoblader
    Xenoblader Posts: 7 Member
    Does anybody else binge on the food in their house because they have an irrational fear of the food they are binging on is going to expire? I feel like that sometimes.

    I also ALWAYS have to eat the nuts or snacks I keep in my room next to my laptop. As soon as I start browsing the Internet those nuts are gone and the guilt is there forever lol.

    I don't know the solution for me is to just only have food for that day. But it is kind of pathetic that I can't get food for a week in advance for fear of basically wasting money and binging on it. Although this tends to lend itself more to snacks and not stuff like raw meats which takes effort to cook and I would never really see myself binging on at all. Nuts are just one of my trigger foods I guess.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I've learned to divide nuts into 100-calorie snack sized zipper bags. Now I eat nuts practically every day, and they fit into my calorie goal.

    It took a while, though. At first, I'd eat 2 or 3 packs at a time. But that was still better than an entire bag. Now, knowing I can have them whenever I want makes it easy to enjoy the hell out of just one pack.