Ab/Arm workouts for "off" days?

I've been doing the treadmill every night along with a variation of fitness DVS in my own home, but my front thighs are really hurting bad (like literally, it hurts to squat to pee!). To avoid injury, I wanted to do some Ab/Arm workouts because I don't want to really take a whole day off if my arms and core are fine. I have bowflex weights and a yoga matt, but I'm really bad at "reading" how to do a workout. Does anyone have some helpful websites? I tried googling, but all I could find were some videos on womans fitness of things way too advanced for me. I was also looking for some kind of chart that had the workouts listed so I could motivate myself to check each one of them off. I know, I'm asking for a lot!! :)

If anyone has anything you think might help, please let me know!

Thank you! :)
