Horizon- sugar v fat BBC2



  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I don't think anyone is suggesting eating purely refined sugar.
    In some cases the differences between original and 'white' versions can be pretty minimal as far as micro-nutrients goes - such as rice, for example, I believe.
    If you're already getting enough micro-nutrients, you don't get benefit from having more.
    As my link mentions - you don't get "healthy +1" if you're already healthy and just eat more 'healthy' food.

    Agreed, sounds like you're on a sensible diet.

    Most people who are over weight (and I suppose to a degree these are the people the documentary was aimed at) are not on a sensible diet and continue to over-eat carbs (both refined sugar and grain based) that at the end of the day will add to their bad health as opposed to improve it.

    Consuming grain based carbs have only one function as far as I can see. They are a cheap source of calories - That's it; apart from that (and it's not a very good reason), they have no benefit what-so-ever.

    I do like the article you referenced earlier. It's true if your already healthy some bad carbs won't hurt, but if you're already healthy you're starting from a good foundation anyway.

    If you're unhealthy those bad carbs are just going to compound your problems.
    If the bolded part were actually true, then please explain how human civilization has survived, when the entire history of human civilization is based on grain.

    Wow I didn't know grains were available before the start of the agricultural revolution!!!? So what your saying is our Paleolithic ancestors were actual snacking on weetabix as opposed to eating animals and plants.

    So 2.6 million years of evolution based on a high fat low carb ( from plants) compared to only 10,000 years of trying to digest grains, which a lot of people still cannot do.
    The paleolithic diet was actually high carb, about 50% from grasses and roots. And of course, your argument shows a complete lack of understanding of anything. 99.9% of the food humans eat today are less than 500 years old. We haven't adapted to thousands of years of eating grains, but we've adapted to a few hundred years of eating avocados, turkeys, squash, and sweet potatoes? Right.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    We ate a lot of seafood...

    Does paleo contain a significant proportion of shellfish?
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    If I make a home made cheesecake with 50% fat and 50% carbs, is it somehow going to be less bad for me? The opposite, I'd suggest - it's probably going to be even nicer, so I'm going to want to eat more!

    True. Although you'll burn off a handful of calories making it at least, and it will probably have less unhealthy ingredients like additives, coloring, and preservatives.

    Some of us are lousy cooks, however, and we'd be thinner if we didn't have access to easy packaged goodies and dining out.

    Until we gave up and learned to cook properly, anyway. I now make a burrito so blissfully delicious that I can't make it in batches anymore because I'll keep right on going back to the fridge until four day's worth of it is gone, just as though it were my favorite ice cream from the store. This was an eye-opening moment for me. But I'm still not sure exactly what lesson to take away from it. I have to eat, but there are certain foods and combinations of foods that I just can't stop eating too much of. I dread the day I make the perfect steak and can't stop going back for more of that, too.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I don't think anyone is suggesting eating purely refined sugar.
    In some cases the differences between original and 'white' versions can be pretty minimal as far as micro-nutrients goes - such as rice, for example, I believe.
    If you're already getting enough micro-nutrients, you don't get benefit from having more.
    As my link mentions - you don't get "healthy +1" if you're already healthy and just eat more 'healthy' food.

    Agreed, sounds like you're on a sensible diet.

    Most people who are over weight (and I suppose to a degree these are the people the documentary was aimed at) are not on a sensible diet and continue to over-eat carbs (both refined sugar and grain based) that at the end of the day will add to their bad health as opposed to improve it.

    Consuming grain based carbs have only one function as far as I can see. They are a cheap source of calories - That's it; apart from that (and it's not a very good reason), they have no benefit what-so-ever.

    I do like the article you referenced earlier. It's true if your already healthy some bad carbs won't hurt, but if you're already healthy you're starting from a good foundation anyway.

    If you're unhealthy those bad carbs are just going to compound your problems.
    If the bolded part were actually true, then please explain how human civilization has survived, when the entire history of human civilization is based on grain.

    Wow I didn't know grains were available before the start of the agricultural revolution!!!? So what your saying is our Paleolithic ancestors were actual snacking on weetabix as opposed to eating animals and plants.

    So 2.6 million years of evolution based on a high fat low carb ( from plants) compared to only 10,000 years of trying to digest grains, which a lot of people still cannot do.
    The paleolithic diet was actually high carb, about 50% from grasses and roots. And of course, your argument shows a complete lack of understanding of anything. 99.9% of the food humans eat today are less than 500 years old. We haven't adapted to thousands of years of eating grains, but we've adapted to a few hundred years of eating avocados, turkeys, squash, and sweet potatoes? Right.
    Your absolutely right a lot of the food we eat now are less than 500 years old indeed fruits back then which were probably very tart and very low in carb and calorific content as were the roots and plants they ate. Whilst they were foragers they were also hunters and probably ate meat and all the fat that comes with it.

    You will probably agree that most of the time they were probably eating very little and living off the stored fat they had i.e. Fat burners as opposed to sugar burners.

    Eating a high carb diets has really only been the norm since we have been able to farm it.

    Hmm maybe that's why as humans were are only able to store a small amount of glycogen yet have an abundant supply of natural body fat.

    Why do you think that is?
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    In to learn about deadly food combinations & the evil of grains.
    DYELB Posts: 7,407 Member
    If you get a chance to see this documentry it would be informative at least, it seems that it's not just fat or sugar on its own that puts weight on but a 50/50 combination that processed food manufacturers know about that sets off a craving function in our brain...

    If anyone had seen the program it would be great to hear your take on it... :smile:

    The acronym my name represents applies here methinks.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    sugar sugar
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    I've just finished watching it on iPlayer and whilst it was interesting it was hardly ground breaking.

    Fad diets are a bad idea but a balanced diet where discretionary calories are kept in check is a good idea.
    Carbs are muscle sparing
    The combination of fat and sugar (particularly in an equal ratio) makes food highly palatable and over consumption more likely (because it triggers hedonic hunger in the mind and over rides natural hunger cues)
    Exercise is a good idea.
    DYELB Posts: 7,407 Member
    I've just finished watching it on iPlayer and whilst it was interesting it was hardly ground breaking.

    Fad diets are a bad idea but a balanced diet where discretionary calories are kept in check is a good idea.
    Carbs are muscle sparing
    The combination of fat and sugar (particularly in an equal ratio) makes food highly palatable and over consumption more likely (because it triggers hedonic hunger in the mind and over rides natural hunger cues)
    Exercise is a good idea.

    Don't eat food...because tasty.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    I've just finished watching it on iPlayer and whilst it was interesting it was hardly ground breaking.

    Fad diets are a bad idea but a balanced diet where discretionary calories are kept in check is a good idea.
    Carbs are muscle sparing
    The combination of fat and sugar (particularly in an equal ratio) makes food highly palatable and over consumption more likely (because it triggers hedonic hunger in the mind and over rides natural hunger cues)
    Exercise is a good idea.

    Don't eat food...because tasty.

    Not particularly just it makes over consumption / over eating more likely.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    You can lose weight eating a calorie deficit diet consisting of processed foods and sugars, however it would not be (long term) good for your health as you would not be getting nearly enough of the vitamins and nutrients you would naturally source from high fat food (not trans fats) and clean carbs,


    ...for the modern marvel that are "clean carbs".
    DYELB Posts: 7,407 Member
    I've just finished watching it on iPlayer and whilst it was interesting it was hardly ground breaking.

    Fad diets are a bad idea but a balanced diet where discretionary calories are kept in check is a good idea.
    Carbs are muscle sparing
    The combination of fat and sugar (particularly in an equal ratio) makes food highly palatable and over consumption more likely (because it triggers hedonic hunger in the mind and over rides natural hunger cues)
    Exercise is a good idea.

    Don't eat food...because tasty.

    Not particularly just it makes over consumption / over eating more likely.

    I know, I was being sarcastic.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    I've just finished watching it on iPlayer and whilst it was interesting it was hardly ground breaking.

    Fad diets are a bad idea but a balanced diet where discretionary calories are kept in check is a good idea.
    Carbs are muscle sparing
    The combination of fat and sugar (particularly in an equal ratio) makes food highly palatable and over consumption more likely (because it triggers hedonic hunger in the mind and over rides natural hunger cues)
    Exercise is a good idea.

    Don't eat food...because tasty.

    Not particularly just it makes over consumption / over eating more likely.

    I know, I was being sarcastic.

    I don't do sarcasm dude.

    I'm British.
    DYELB Posts: 7,407 Member
    I've just finished watching it on iPlayer and whilst it was interesting it was hardly ground breaking.

    Fad diets are a bad idea but a balanced diet where discretionary calories are kept in check is a good idea.
    Carbs are muscle sparing
    The combination of fat and sugar (particularly in an equal ratio) makes food highly palatable and over consumption more likely (because it triggers hedonic hunger in the mind and over rides natural hunger cues)
    Exercise is a good idea.

    Don't eat food...because tasty.

    Not particularly just it makes over consumption / over eating more likely.

    I know, I was being sarcastic.

    I don't do sarcasm dude.

    I'm British.

    Impossible, your avatar was made in detroit.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member

    Impossible, your avatar was made in detroit.

  • selfepidemic1
    selfepidemic1 Posts: 159 Member
    A couple of things shone through..

    Those on full keto without carbing up once a week can expect to heads towards insulin resistance.

    ketones fuel the brain less efficiently.

    Protein is responsible for stemming hunger.

    Wasn't that fat bald lab rat a cutie !!!!!

    here is the program ....


    Give me some actual studies on that. Please.

    Since all this just sounds like repeated garbage you read from some dude on a forum without actually any basis. Its utter bullcrap.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Yes a great source of omega 3 from fish. We don't get enough of it in our diets.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    A couple of things shone through..

    Those on full keto without carbing up once a week can expect to heads towards insulin resistance.

    ketones fuel the brain less efficiently.

    Protein is responsible for stemming hunger.

    Wasn't that fat bald lab rat a cutie !!!!!

    here is the program ....


    Give me some actual studies on that. Please.

    Since all this just sounds like repeated garbage you read from some dude on a forum without actually any basis. Its utter bullcrap.

    I agree it's bull crap no way was that rat cute!
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Fiber helps to keep you feel fuller longer. It takes longer to digest, and helps with water retention and regularity.
    There's more that fibres does. One thing is it means less micronutrients are absorbed. But also less calories; and that's less calories even though we DO get some from As for sources here are a few about sugar itself. Insulin production has vast amounts of data, and is well documented. It's not hard to see how continued over production can lead to insulin resistances and type 2 diabetes.
    Did you read this link?
    I'd say it's not entirely complimentary of the study.
    However, if I ever have a pet rat and it gets addicted to Oreos, I'll certainly consider it.
    Don't see it has a massive relevant to the topic under discussion - note that it also makes it clear that it could be ANYTHING that is the problem, not just Oreos.
    If you have an addiction to bananas, you could have the same problems from addiction.
    I bet the same is true of not heavily processed foods that have sugar and fat. Strawberries and cream, say - I can eat loads and loads of them.
    But again, it depends on the person. Cheers is one of my big problems. But you don't seem me blaming cheese for the world's problems.
    Your next link is the study from this one.
    This discusses the same things as my link, but not in as much detail.
    Again; for someone of normal weight, instead of spending your time worrying about specific foods, overall I'd say you get better and more significant health benefits from spending a bit of time doing some actual exercise. I'm a bit short on data on this point, I have to admit.
    and I truly believe that it's the over-consumption of processed carbs that turned me into a jelly belly.
    I would suggest that it is the overconsumption of CALORIES that turned you in to a jelly belly.
    No where has anyone shown you can eat less calories than you burn and put on fat over the long term.

    Oh and yes; water kills an awful lot of people; DHMO - the silent killer! ;)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    But again, it depends on the person. Cheers is one of my big problems. But you don't seem me blaming cheese for the world's problems.
