Here's my gig.. what's yours?

I'm 4 months into a brand new Eating and Exercise routine. Check out my profile for the short story and my goals.

I hit up Lifetime Fitness several times a week to lift for about 30m and then cardio for 30m (typically treadmill running, but also been introducing some biking and crossramping to mix it up a bit). Still tryiing to figure out a good rythm and time of day for these visits. Sometimes I'll go everyday for like 4-5 days.. other times every other day. sometimes in the morning. other times late at night.

I'm using the MyFitnessPal iPhone app and love it. Always use it to check out just about anything before I eat it. I'm at the point where I'm basically trying to net 2,020 calories a day and have learned to look at eating and any specific food as "am I willing to spend my calories on that right now". It's caused me to look and think about things totally different. It's like I start with an account of 2,020 in the morning (can add to it with some exercise) but then have to consider how I want to spend it all through the day.

Along the way I've been learning about the meals that work really well for me, the snacks that I like and fit into the budget, and the other kinds of food that I should just punt on or stay away from.

It's been fun to keep adjusting the routine and to learn new ways to push myself or find a new balance.

Anyway... that's my gig... what are you up to?

And if any of this sounds interesting, hit me up with a friend request.. always enjoy sharing trade secrets and learning whats working and not working for others.



  • pbxr
    pbxr Posts: 100 Member
    Welcome to MFP, J! I, too, love the iPhone app ~ on the go weight loss/management has never been easier, right?

    This year when my family was given a membership to our local fitness center and I learned that our insurance provides nutritional counseling, I knew it was time to take back the "years the locusts had eaten." ;) My husband & I have both been complacent about our eating habits, our non-existent exercise regimens, and our need to do something about it all. MFP, combined with nutrition help & the gym, has been just what the doctor ordered. :) My husband & I have both lost over 30 pounds (though he's not coming to MFP like I am) & things have really changed at our house. WOOT!

    I still have quite a bit to go, but it's been great to see the weight come off & catch a glimpse of the "old me" underneath. :)

    Much success to you as you work to improve your endurance & reach the other goals you've set for yourself!
  • themyriadthings
    themyriadthings Posts: 225 Member
    I really like the whole 'budgetting' idea with the calories, that's how I approach this as well. I've sure gotten better at resisting doing any "impulse shopping" so to speak! The iphone/ipod app has really helped me make better choices when I'm eating out, that's for sure.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I started walking 1-2 miles and doing sit-ups, push-ups and squats with a gf about 3 weeks ago. I've lost 5 lbs and feel great. I got a membership to the ymca today so I'm going to start using elliptical machine and other machines.

    Good luck folks!