New to the website. Mom of 4: considering HCG. Suggestions?



  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I'm also a mom of 4. Just had #4 August 9th. I had lost 60lbs over a year before I got pregnant with my last child. After getting pregnant I put on.....60lbs. Oh well. So I'm now dieting again, but carefully because I'm nursing.

    As far as HCG goes, I have several friends at work that have done it. One has lost almost 40lbs. The rest go off and on it and seem to have a hard time sticking with it. Like someone else said, if you eat 500 calories its almost impossible not to lose weight.

    Honestly, there is no quick fix. I found that gaining control of your appetite is the first step. Don't go cold turkey. Ease into portion control. That's how I lost 60lbs before and I've already dropped from 208 post-delivery to 181. I'm only really counting the weight I've lost from 189 down as real dieting success because that is where my weight plateaued.

    Take a good long look at what you are eating and how much. I was shocked to realize how much I was putting away at each meal (not including snacks). I eat out of boredom.

    Also, I find that when I give up soda completely and drink water, or crystal light, the weight melts off much easier.

    The important thing is, don't give up! Stay strong and believe in yourself.

    :indifferent: :yawn: