For Successful Losers: Do You Still See Yourself as Fat?

This is for all those who have reached, or are pretty close, to reaching their goals.

I've been reading some interesting thoughts from others who fit in this category regarding self perception.

Some adhere to the thought that their "fat selves" are behind them. They no longer associate themselves with who they were in that state, almost as if it's a different person.

While others still see themselves as essentially fat, no matter what their bodies look like now.

How are you seeing yourself these days? Are you adapting to the "new" you to the point of releasing the "old" you? Or do you feel mostly the same? Or even protective of your former fat self?


  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    I hit my initial goal last spring, moved into semi-maintenance and loss at a slower rate over the summer, and called final goal this past fall. I still have a hard time with the mental adjustment-not that I think I'm still fat, but as in I can't believe that's the real me when I look at pictures now.

    I put up my before/current pictures in my profile a few weeks ago and it was the first time I had seen them together-gosh darn it I started crying like a baby :embarassed: I still haven't fully processed that this is who I am now-my mind keeps slipping back into the 'I'm a frumpy mom who needs elastic waist jeans and big sweatshirts.' I've actually put my current jeans in my daughter's dresser while taking care of laundry, thinking they were hers :laugh: Some day my brain will catch up with the rest of me :)
  • jillianbeeee
    jillianbeeee Posts: 345 Member
    My brain has not caught up to my body. I still feel overweight and self consciousness. I still look in the mirror and see the old me. I am now wearing the same size as my 19 year old daughter and realistically know that I am a healthy weight and am only 4 lbs from my goal weight. I am so afraid of going back to where I was that I still haven't gotten rid of my old clothes. I try to look at my before pictures every once in a while to remember where this begin. My weight was never a big deal to my husband and I sure wish he would say more about my weight loss and my new look! However, It seems he feels that me caring so much about my weight is vein and doesn't want to hear it or acknowledge it and he actually has said that on occasion in the last few weeks! Don't get me wrong, he is supportive with what we buy and how we cook, but is short on compliments so Il guess I still don't feel thin. He has even called me self absorbed after I take time to work out or discuss with a friend my "secrets" to losing weight. Oh well, I feel great!