Weight loss on birth control?

lvbonney Posts: 6
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi there everyone. :)

So I was wondering if anyone else has had trouble losing weight on birth control..i'm wanting to lose 30 pounds but I know that its going to be difficult being on the pill.

Any tips, advice? Should I just go off of it for awhile?


  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    If you go off it, you may be in danger of gaining a whole lot more (pregnancy!) :laugh: :laugh:

    I'm on BC, have been for 19 years. It hasn't changed my ability to lose weight. I recommend a mono-phasic (one level of hormone all month long) this reduces snacking cravings from fluctuating hormone levels.
  • megsta21
    megsta21 Posts: 506 Member
    I would suggest you talk to your doc about different Pills...

    There are quite a few which claim to

    - minimise weightgain
    - help control acne
    - stop you gettin up the duff!

    Some are: Dianne-35, Brenda-35, Yasmine, Yaz ....
  • Thank you so much guys, I really appreciate it. :)
    I definitely don't want to risk getting pregnant if I went off of it! Hah.

    I wasn't aware that there were different birth controls that claim to do so.
    Perhaps i'll make an appointment with my doctor tomorrow and she what she recommends.

    Otherwise, what kinds of foods should I focus most on when dieting on the pill?
    I know that low sodiums good, drinking a lot of water just because I know you retain water on the pill and its healthy anyways..but i'm not sure what other food/drinks I should focus on.
  • talk to ur doc about dif kinds of bc pills there are. i just got off the pill and ive lost 4lbs in 2 weeks. i was having a hard time while on the pill as well as other issues it was making me have. good luck
  • cherdan
    cherdan Posts: 162 Member
    Are you just starting out on it? They say there is some small weight gain sometimes when initially starting out on the pill, but it shouldn't affect your weight loss or your ability to lose. I've been on it 10 years and it has done nothing but completely clear my skin up.
    I personally would be more concerned about the potential of any other medications you take to affect your weight loss goals. Look up all your medications and find out if any have weight gain as a side effect. Switch to alternative medications that do not. I just recently learned that Allegra-D, a prescription allergy medication I had been on almost as long as I have been on the pill, had significant weight gain as a side affect (I read, up to 5% of your body weight!!)
  • @lindseyiscool-

    Thank you my dear.
    I'd consider getting off the pill entirely if it wasn't for the fact that i'm sexually active/get horrible side-splitting cramps when i'm not on it.
    I'm thinking that the pills have given me most of the weight i've gained (along with bad days of eating that aren't happening anymore, for sure) so i'll definitely consult with my Doctor and see if she can recommend a better brand for my lifestyle.
    (I'm currently on Aviane, by the way, for anyone who was curious.)

    @cherdan -

    I've actually been on the same pill for about 8 months now, and I don't take any other medications at the moment.
    Naturally though I have a bad metabolism, so i'm thinking that combined with the birth control (and a few bad eating habits previous) have been the main reason of my weight gain.
  • highrise
    highrise Posts: 147 Member
    I've been on HBC for the best part of 20 years and had no problems losing weight (not that they made me put on weight either) In my experience, the Pill isn't smart enough to overcome good diet and exercise which leads to weight loss :-)

    Good luck!
  • I read that gaining weight on the pill is just a myth. I've been on the pill for 4 years and I have gained a few lbs, but I would say that's more to do with working in an office so I'm sitting most of the day and what I put in my mouth lol.
    Basically as long as we are burning more calories than we are consuming, we should lose weight!
    Good luck!
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