Shoulder Injury and Jillian Michaels - don't go there

Seriously, not a good idea. I have a labial tear in my right rotator cuff, which in layman's terms means that my shoulder hurts. I've been having physio for it for a few months now, shoulders tend to be slow-healing because of how mobile they are, and immobilisation isn't really an option. But it hasn't stopped me from exercising.

I do yoga every day, and often do workout videos from YouTube. These things all involve my shoulder, which is getting a lot better. But I did Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred Level 1 yesterday and my shoulder hurts pretty bad now.

To be clear, I didn't do anything that I felt would be injurious or that hurt at the time. There was even one exercise I skipped altogether (side plank - I already know that this one is not so great from my regular yoga). I guess it was just all that time spent in plank that aggravated it. :( It's a shame really, as I can tell that doing that every day would get me fit really fast, but I'm going to have to put that sort of thing off for another few months at least.

Sorry Jillian, but it's going to be quite a while before I do any of your exercise programs again.



  • eso2012
    eso2012 Posts: 337 Member
    Not just JM. Many moves can aggravate your situation. Had major neck and shoulder problem last year, triggered by Ugi Ball. But it is also an accumulative injury over decades. Now I am very cautious and continue to learn about anaotomy. I want a good workout, I want efficiency and effectiveness, and I want no more injuries!
  • HappyStack
    HappyStack Posts: 802 Member
    In my experience these high-volume bodyweight exercise DVDs will lead to this one way or another.

    If it's not the shoulders it's the elbows, ankles or knees.
  • DeeDeeMee
    DeeDeeMee Posts: 133 Member
    It's not something that's really been an issue for me before, I've done other workouts of different types and been fine. I usually steer clear of pushups though. My injury wasn't caused by any of this, it's partly due to carrying a heavy handbag on that shoulder for years (I now use a cross-body one) and partly because I'm incredibly uncoordinated and keep 'missing' when I walk through doorways and things. All of this over a lot of years = shoulder problem. :(
  • msdeb424
    msdeb424 Posts: 36 Member
    Now I am very cautious and continue to learn about anaotomy. I want a good workout, I want efficiency and effectiveness, and I want no more injuries!

    Do you know if there are any posts that provide that kind of info? :happy:
  • eso2012
    eso2012 Posts: 337 Member
    Now I am very cautious and continue to learn about anaotomy. I want a good workout, I want efficiency and effectiveness, and I want no more injuries!

    Do you know if there are any posts that provide that kind of info? :happy:

    I don't think I have come across any posts that focus on discussing all of these points. For efficiency and effectiveness, I have switched from old-styled gym work (treadmill, weights) to HIIT, Tabata, Pilates, etc...a combination that mix short-but-intensive circuit training, using body weight a lot, free weight vs machines, and building muscles not just by "lifting" but a lot through Pilates.

    And each of those exercises come with certain precautious note. One big part is to learn/visualize what muscles are being used so contract/hold them properly, focus on core/spinal stability, etc.