Advice on Weekends Away Please

adelehj Posts: 16
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi, I dont post too much but was hoping for a bit of advice.

I have lost 5lb so far and this Sunday will be my third week and third weigh in, I was hoping for another loss of at least 2lb however, I am going away this weekend.

Me and my friends are keen horse riders and are going for a riding weekend in Wales.

On the Friday night we are going to the pub for dinner, this shoulsnt be too difficult as I can choose the healthy option but on the Saturday and Sunday morning, we are having full english breakfast, its the only choice too, any tips on what to stay away from? Also, were taking a picnic so we can stop and eat, this will be full of sweet and savoury foods, Im worried its going to undo all of my hard work :(

On the plus side, on the Saturday and the Sunday we will be doing 6 hours riding per day, will this out weigh the bad?

Help please, Thanks, Adele xxx


  • A full English doesn't have to be all bad. Fill up on all the high protein food there and you'll feel less inclined to over kill on the pic nic food which is probably all processed and worse for you than the breakfast.

    Start with the baked beans, they're nutritious and they'll fill you up, mushrooms and tomatoes will probably be on your plate so gobble them up too. Eggs are a great nutritious source of protein, ask for them to be scrambled, boiled or poached instead of fried (most places will ask how you want your eggs served). Cut the fat away from your bacon and eat only the lean meat. As for the sausages...well, you might just have to either suck it up and ditch them or suck it up and take the extra calorie hit. You don't have to eat ALL the sausages in front of you! Hash browns are delicious, but if you're trying to stick with it I'd personally just avoid them ^_^
  • thanks you so much for your help, I really appreciate it.

    Very useful advice "thums up"

  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    If you're riding all day, that will give you a few extra calories to play with, just don't go mad. Just try and be sensible at breakfast, and when you're out at the pub watch the alcohol. Probably more likely to do more damage then the breakfast!

    Good luck, and have fun. Remember this isn't an every day thing, so it is ok to splurge now and again, it's when things like this become a habit that you need to worry!
  • The riding will kick a lot of the calories. Just load up on protein rather than carbs (eggs and meats rather than breads) and you'll be fine. You can guesstimate the calories, and just don't worry about them too much. We all tend to hit the limits of our calories counts in the weekends. Luckily, we have the weekdays to be strict and disciplined.
  • Thanks everyone, I have just added my exercise to see what I would burn and its around 1800 calories per day, feeling better about this but will be sureNOT to weigh myself till next weekend now as if I put on Ill get disheartened and Ive just moved in to my next stone bracket :D
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