
I have been with MFP for about a year now and have my ups and downs. I have learned over this past year that I do much better when I think people are watching what I'm eating. For example, my work area is chocked full of food pretty much everyday. We get food catered for us at least once a week and patients will even sometimes bring us in food and sweets. When I am at work, though, I do really good with my food, I think because everyone there knows that I am trying to change my eating habits permanently. So if I eat something really bad one day they tend to notice and seem a little surprised. Also a few girls are trying to do the same thing so we are always paying attention to what we are eating. My problem is at home. When I come home no one is there to "judge" me so-to-speak and so I have trouble sticking to my diet. I am off three days a week and those three days are usually very difficult and I don't do so good. I wish that those three days were like all of the others. What I am hoping for is motivation from my fellow MFP members to keep me on the straight-and-narrow. I need people to chat with and share stories, as the few friends I had on MFP have all given up already and no longer track their food. So if you have good easy to follow motivational ideas, I'd really like them. And even better, if you would like another MFP friend then I'd be glad to be that person because I really need more support... and people that will stick with it along with me.