What things trigger YOU to wreck your eating habits?



  • MCrome
    MCrome Posts: 14 Member
    I ruin my diet when I'm upset .
    Plus when have one alcoholic drink makes me crave bad things lol :(
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    It use to be ice cream, cookies, and cake. I'd have a little and it always bound into a lot.

    But that was back in my "all or nothing" days. Back when I dealt with food and diet from the position of "on days", "off days", "cheat days", etc. I had a "start Monday/start tomorrow" mentality that was legendary. I gained so, so much weight by tasting, splurging, and promising to "start tomorrow".

    Awful way to live. Now with IFing I've built in a large enough weekly deficit that I can eat what I like, in just about any amounts I like. I still limit those trigger foods, just because I eat a pretty overall nutritious diet, but when I do have them I give myself the freedom to have as much as I like. It's changed my entire mindset around the notion of sugar addiction and trigger foods.
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    well stress does it for me and a major fall off the wagon is usually caused by stressful life events lol but this time i'm gonna try harder to stick to it.
  • PeanutButter1999
    PeanutButter1999 Posts: 55 Member
    I am a very bad emotionally eater, so when something stressful happens I try to keep busy and break this horrible coping habit.
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    It's usually a sudden craving for something I haven't had in a long time. It'll strike out of nowhere, too. Most of the time I can shrug it off, but every once in a while, I get one so strong that I won't be able to concentrate or sleep until I satisfy the craving somehow. It may not be exactly what I wanted, but I'll find something close enough that my brain's like, "Ok, I'll let it slide for now" and then resume my regular eating habits.

    I had one day, in the middle of an otherwise healthy dieting period, where I got dressed and went to Taco Bell at 3 AM. I was messing around on the computer and suddenly became aware that Taco Bell was not just what I suddenly wanted, but was apparently the single most important thing on the face of the planet. I disregarded it for a solid hour before finally snapping and gorging myself on pretend-Mexican fast food.

    It doesn't happen often, but the rare time that it does, it's like a physical need that I can't ignore.
    Same here! But it has to be exactly what I wanted. If it's Sunday and I want THOSE cookies that I can only find in THAT supermarket which is closed on Sunday, I won't binge on random cookies. I'll just be a nasty b**** all day :bigsmile:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I'm having one of those small bags of Lays potato chips with my sammich at lunch...I'm going to the Urban Hotdog Company tomorrow for lunch with some guys I ride with and having a big old Polish sausage covered in grilled onions, sauerkraut, and mustard along with a basket of fries. I really don't see these things as "wrecking" my eating habits or nutrition.

    For example, today...while I will be having some potato chips at lunch, I have also had some scrambled eggs and sauteed cabbage (yes I'm weird) and greek yogurt for breakfast...along with those chips at lunch I'll be having 1/2 an avocado. For a snack this afternoon I have about 60 grams of hummus and 250 grams of mixed vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, snap peas, grape tomatoes) and another afternoon snack of an apple and 28 grams of almonds. Not sure about dinner yet tonight...

    At any rate, the point I'm making is that these kind of things can easily be worked into an otherwise very nutritious and balanced diet so I really don't worry about them...these things only make up a very small part of my diet...except for Sunday...I will be eating all of the junk food on Superbowl Sunday...and then right back to my SOP on Monday.
  • Eve_e
    Eve_e Posts: 57
    1) Alcohol. I'm in college, so that makes it difficult enough. It's high in calories just by itself, so I usually spend the day saving my calories for it, and not only to I over-drink, but then I'm starved for real food because all I've had all day is a damn salad and a protein bar! Thursday through Saturday is a vicious cycle.

    2) My roommate. She's not a healthy eater, and sometimes, after a long day, when she asks if I'd eat some pizza if she ordered it at 2:00 in the morning...Sometimes I just can't say no.

    College in general is a massive trigger.
  • Wynterandemiliano
    Wynterandemiliano Posts: 13 Member
  • Wynterandemiliano
    Wynterandemiliano Posts: 13 Member
    STRESSSSSS definitely stress. I get a feeling similar to hunger and then I think I am just starving, I wonder if anyone else feels like this or if I am just a special type of crazy :)
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    Just one small slip up and for some reason I think I should just eat anything I want for the day!! Uugghhhh so frustrating! !

    I agree with this. Then that day runs into the next day, and so on. And also....boredom.
  • jess135177
    jess135177 Posts: 186 Member
    Going to the bar will ALWAYS put me over on calories for the day. I just live with it.
  • MapleFlavouredMaiden
    If I have a craving, typically I'll have some of it. Otherwise, all this is too negative and restrictive and life is too damn short for that. I don't let any food or craving "wreck" my eating habits because splurging once in a while doesn't "wreck" anything. I chalk it up to a needed refeed and call it a day. In fact, I have refeed days built into my program to prevent something like that from happening.

    All that said -- cheese. Everytime. Cheese. Can't get enough.
  • jeralank
    jeralank Posts: 56 Member
    Stress... No doubt about it... Which, being a teacher, is everywhere!!! I know that cops, and firefighters, and doctors have it rough, but go into a public high school classroom and see what we deal with...

    Always causes the downward spiral of bad food choices...
  • Luxleo
    Luxleo Posts: 21
    The smell of food. Like, I could be doing great, but when I smell it...things change, Lol. Last night, for example. I was in the living room doing school work and my mom took a pizza out of the microwave. It smelled amazing, so I walked over to the fridge and got a cheese stick and some beef jerky. Dx Was tasty though. :P

    Aggravation and nervousness also gets me.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Sorry your friends aren't into the birthday celebration, but Happy Birthday! Sometimes I eat due to emotions, I usually know if I am doing that.

    I get cravings sometimes, but if they are for something like donuts, I try to ignore them. If they are for something healthy, I will go ahead and eat it.

    Right now I am on a diet that only allows me certain foods, that makes it easy.
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    Boozles - I will go over my cals that day and the next eating my way out of a hangover.

    Feeling sorry for myself - I'm not dieting today life has been too hard, all the things.... DON'T JUDGE ME!

    Work overtime - provided with free takeaway, you always get too much even if you attempt to go for something healthy.

    Friends - friends are b*stards they invite you round to their house and cook you delicious food and ply you with booze ;P

    My mantra is try to have more good days then bad, and I look to have a deficit over the course of a week rather than daily I am usually over at least 2 days out of 7, I'm on the fun 5:2 diet :P
  • Ktmax456
    Ktmax456 Posts: 26 Member
    Pizza. Its the only food I can't turn down. EVER.

    God I love pizza.
  • KristinD1977
    Stress, I quit smoking a little over 3 years ago... guess what I replaced it with?
    Also, allowing myself to get too hungry before I eat then it seems almost impossible to feel satisfied.
  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    Boredom, Stress, Emotional eating and mostly bad macros