Need to lose 150+ Pounds - Time to Get Serious

I'm a big dude. I weigh 435 pounds. I've been big all my life, but I've just gotten bigger and bigger, because junk food has been my "antidepressant" for far too long. And of course, my day to day habits are simply terrible.

I joined MFP about a year ago, and at that time, I was 405 and was on a 5 day a week walking/jogging routine with a friend.

Then, something happened in my life that got me so depressed, that I weaseled my way out of that and just started eating again. And eating. And eating. I've finally got the depression under control (not totally, but much much more than ever before).

I've got a baby boy on the way, and I need to be in better health to handle this kid. I'd also like to be in better shape for my wife and my self-esteem.

I tried walking again, but apparently I've reached a point where even a walk around the block just destroys my lower back to where I can't do anything else all day.

So, here is where I start. My friend got me hooked on the FitBit monitor. I've got one on my wrist at all times, monitoring my calorie burn and my steps. I've set some daily goals based on what I think I can handle.

I've already started eating on a "Intermittent Fasting" schedule, hopefully allowing for a little more calorie burn in the mornings.

I'm going to do my darndest to track all my caloric intake here on MFP.

And I just got a large exercise ball, which I plan to use regularly throughout my day to hopefully strengthen my lower back so that I can soon start walking again soon.

The system I have in place, I think, is a no-lose situation as long as I have one thing: DRIVE.

TL;DR - I'm an obese man with all the right tools in place, but not enough motivation!

What can I do to keep my motivation up? What has helped you all in the past?

And do you have any other advice for someone my size to start losing weight?


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Another fitbit user here - I like the stairs counter and go out of my way to get 10 flights per day every day. May be harder for you at the moment though - I would say focus on the stairs and the active minutes if you can't do the mileage to up the pure step count.

    In general I would say don't over focus on exercise, diet is where it's at.

    In the UK we had a TV show where a couple of big foodie guys lost weight - - with medical support and advice. They started on 1400 calories a day and aimed at reduced carbohydrates in their meals while still making the food interesting and tasty.

    1400 calories a day with a good protein and fat content can still be satisfying. Are there any support groups locally or (if relevant) related to your job ?

    Good luck.
  • Tracie524
    Tracie524 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi. It is great that you posted. Congratulations on your baby boy! It is good to have the fitbit and know how much activity you are getting. You could start smaller and do a lap around the house. Any activity helps. You could even do seated exercises with hand weights.

    I agree that if I were you, I would start out focusing on your eating. Determine the calories per day and then log everything. Even if you eat more than you should, log it. You can look back and see where you need to make changes to meet your daily calorie goals. Once you lose some weight, you can start adding in more exercise.

    I list my goals out and put them on the refrigerator. All the reasons why I want to lose weight. It helps me to see them every day and keep the motivation strong.

    Also, use the forums here if you get stuck. There are a lot of people who need to lose large amounts of weight. It is a great place for support.
  • tmuellenberg
    tmuellenberg Posts: 265 Member
    I think it's awesome that you're posting here! It sounds like you have some serious motivators to be successful here :)

    One thing that has always helped me, is writing down my goal in a place that I can see it often. Set small, short term goals to help keep you motivated. Finding people that will support you can be a huge boost too. Take things one day at a time and just know that there will be good days and there will be bad days. The goal is just to have more good than bad :)

    Obviously it's something that you need to do for you, to get yourself healthy. But also with your son on the way (congrats by the way) that can also be a huge motivator.

    Feel free to add me if you're looking for some support too!
  • ginabgood
    ginabgood Posts: 2 Member
    Excellent! A good decision you've made and for all the right reasons. Congrats on the baby on the way. What a motivator.

    I actually focused on the food first. Probably what helped me most was getting into cooking healthy foods. It's where the biggest change happened and I just fell in love with cooking and seeing what I could come up with. Joining up to myfitnesspal was/is just smart and tracking what you eat. There are good days and there are bad days and if you have a bad day, you start over again the next and just move on. Exercise came last. I was probably two months into changing my eating habits before I even thought about exercise and by then the weight was already dropping. Started walking more at work and then spinning at home.

    Small steps and small changes can bring about some dynamic results. Keeps you on pace! Set smaller goals for yourself and just work toward them, taking your time. I couldn't afford the Fitbit so I got a Fitbug Orb. Good Luck and add me, too, for support!
  • mgorham13
    mgorham13 Posts: 168 Member
    You got this! Exercise and fitness goals I found were a tremendous anti depressant. I tried other things but at the end of the the only thing that made me stop hating myself was accomplishing goals that I set for myself and bang them out.

    You mentioned 150lbs, get that number out of your head that's way to overwhelming for people like us to process mentally. If you want break it down into 10lbs at a time. Each time you lose 10lbs put something up on your closet or bedroom wall until you have 15 of those things up there. Then re-*kitten* your goals (they always change)

    IF might be good if you are someone like me that typically doesn't like to eat much in the morning. I literally had to force myself until I found out about IF. Now I eat between noon and 8:00pm and it helped cut out nighttime eating as well.

    Easy on the jogging that's a lot of weight on those joints right now, mix in some strength training it will help strengthen your muscles and joints, tendons etc. even body weight stuff will work at this point ie step ups, box squats (even using a chair at home) , modified push-ups etc.

    Good luck man I'm rooting for you, being a dad is a gamechanger. Feel free to send me a message if you need a lift and check these boards daily the people on here are amazing and know their stuff