In dire need of some advice!

Ok. Heres my story. I am 26 years old. My starting weight was 74kg (163pounds). Over the course of two years I have brought it down to 66kg (146 pounds). It hasnt been a straight road, there were periods when I digressed and my weight went up. But as of September last year (my weight then was 69kg, 152 pounds) I have been eating clean, around 1200 calories a day, and training around 6 times a week. I usually do fitness videos (mostly Jillian Michaels) and from the start of this year, I have been gyming as well. I feel that my weight loss is coming to a halt this past month. I sometimes drop down to 65 and then Im back up in the 66kg region. I'm 1,58m short, so I am overweight. But i just can't seem to lose any more weight. I told myself that maybe its muscle weight, but I took my measurements and they havent changed since around November! I'm gettin married at the end of March and really need to do something to boost my weight loss efforts. Does anyone have any suggestions? Should I maybe restrict my calories to 1000/day (although that seems a bit low)? Or am I maybe not eating my calories right (anyone please feel free to check out my diary)? Or perhaps anyone has any suggestion for what workouts I should be doing? I find that I am becoming disheartened, and have even considered taking products like USNs CLa or Phedra cut. Taking diet pills is something I swore not to do, I wanted to lose it all naturally, but my motivation has taken a hit by the lack of reaults :/

Please help!


  • Zoejohnse91
    Zoejohnse91 Posts: 227 Member
    I think you might be under eating?
    With all the exercise you might find you can eat more with TDEE method and start the loss off again.

    I'm just taking a shot in the dark, I'm not expert :)
  • kaypee65
    kaypee65 Posts: 120 Member
    Have you had a blood workup to make sure your thyroid is OK? And are you taking Vitamin D? Low Vitamin D can really make it hard to lose weight.
  • jeb2020
    jeb2020 Posts: 11 Member
    I checked out some TDEE calculators online, my TDEE is 2000! Which means Im 300 short :/ I will try upping my intake and see if I see a difference.

    Kaypee, I had my thyroid and full blood count done last yr and it was all fine. Although I haven't checked my vit D levels. I had no idea that I may be deficient. Will look into that also

    Thanks guys, I have something to start with now and not pop the diet pills :):):)