Am I being impatient?

Padzster Posts: 75 Member
Hello... this is my first post, though I read the forums every day.
I've been exercising regularly for 3 years - I'm 39. I'm in pretty good shape but would like to lose that last 5-8 kg of wobble. My diet has always been pretty good, meals from scratch etc and barely any processed food. I know my downfall is wine, and I've cut out mid-week drinking entirely, though I do go overboard a bit at the weekends.
So, this new year I decided I would give myself a big push and really try and get rid of some excess body fat. And that's how I started with MFP.
My measurements are 170cm height, started at 70kg. Pear-shaped build with naturally medium to large frame/musculature.
If you look at my data I am now approx 67kg - BUT my scales at home don't work and the ones at the gym are crap and jump around all over the place so I have no idea. Some days I do feel like my body is changing but then others I don't, so I don't know if any improvement is just my perception. Husband isn't much help as he thinks I look great anyway (!) and thinks I'm mad for logging everything I eat.
I go to the gym 4-6 days a week and have started a weight routine as well as the usual cardio.
Sorry for such a haphazard post... just need some sensible advice/opinions.


  • It's not just about exercising or eating well (although these are important to your overall health)

    The main component of weight loss is calorie deficit. Meaning, you can eat the healthiest foods in the world, but as long as you are eating huge portions of said healthy foods, you are probably not going to drop the weight because you're not causing a big calorie deficit.

    You said you log the foods you eat, but are you honest about your logging? When you're just guessing the amount you eat, and not using proper weights, you might be underestimating the actually calorie value. So you THINK your eating less but you might not actually be eating less.

    How long have you been on your diet?
  • Padzster
    Padzster Posts: 75 Member
    I've just opened up my diary - take a look. I weigh absolutely EVERYTHING. There's only a couple of days where I ate at dinner parties etc where I've Quick Added the calories - and there I have totally overestimated.
  • seamonster1203
    seamonster1203 Posts: 118 Member
    The last few pounds require a bit more than just a deficit. HIIT cardio, carb cycling, intermittent fasting....etc. I'd suggest a forum more aimed at shaping rather than fat loss. Theres a big difference between losing 100 extra pounds and 10 extra pounds.
  • Well how much do you weigh now? If you're already at a low weight, which I'm assuming you are since you only need to lose 5 kg, then it's also a slower process because a smaller body uses less energy to do things than a bigger body would, so you're burning less calories even if you're doing the same amount of exercise as you were before when you were bigger along with eating the same amount.

    I'm also at a low weight and I'd be lucky if I could lose 0.4 kg a week even with calorie deficit. So just be patient, it's a slow process but you'll get there.
  • Hi, I'm also 170cm, 70kg, medium build wanting to shape up and lose the wobbly bits. It's tough! You are clearly exercising a lot, do you do weight training as well as cardio? Initially cardio works but for the last few kilos you have to incorporate squats with weights, weights that are difficult to lift, not 5 kg with lots of reps! 20kg with fewer reps; and toning exercises or you'll lose your boobs and not your bum haha! Good luck though. You eat well!
  • FindingMyPerfection
    FindingMyPerfection Posts: 702 Member
    Your ticker says you have lost 3kg in 1 month. This is great progress. If you are expecting to lose faster than this IMO you are being impatient. Relax and enjoy the process. :flowerforyou:
  • Padzster
    Padzster Posts: 75 Member
    Yes, have started doing weights since beginning of the year. Doing Body Pump type workout, with 15kg for upper body and 20kg for back and lower body.
    Appreciate your comments and support!
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Cut back on the booze for a month and see what happens. Quite a few of your calories seem come from the liquor cabinet.
  • What keeps me going is my "Reward Day" AKA cheat day :) On Friday nights, I'm a warrior with my beer. I eat the same low calorie foods through the day and just accept the fact that I may only lose 1.2 pounds as opposed to 1.5 pounds per week. It may take me an extra month to lose the total 50 pounds I want to....but I think it is so worth having something to look forward to on a weekly basis.
  • Padzster
    Padzster Posts: 75 Member
    The red wine is my reward! Can't wait for Friday! :laugh:
  • TLwineguzzler
    TLwineguzzler Posts: 289 Member
    The red wine is my reward! Can't wait for Friday! :laugh:

    Me too! I've just done dry january Saturday can't come quick enough!!!
  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    I would suggest having an all-out cheat day, actually. Surprise your body, then go right back to your calorie deficit. Your body gets used to what you put into it every day, so sometimes it needs a surprise. Have some cheese with your wine this weekend, then make your next workout more intense than usual, and go right back to what you were doing. See if that helps! And if it doesn't... oh well, you had some wine and cheese :p
  • oneloopygirl
    oneloopygirl Posts: 151 Member
    It looks like you're skipping meals occasionally to "save up" calories for dinner parties, booze, etc. That's not helping either. Even if you just eat something small, your body will function better with food on pretty regular intervals. And you might find you'll eat less and better at those outings. And I do agree with cutting back on the alcohol. It will make a big difference. Cutting out during the week is a great start, but even watching how much you drink when you would be good. I don't drink regularly, but I'm mindful about how much I do drink when I do. Drinking and extra snacking tend to go hand in hand.
  • Padzster
    Padzster Posts: 75 Member
    Just an update: 2 weeks later I am starting to see changes. I think body fat has gone down as I'm seeing shadows of what might just be abs! The jeans I last wore at xmas felt a lot more comfortable when I tried them on last night. Weight is now 66kg so very slowly but surely in the right direction - 4kg loss in total! Still drinking red wine on weekends - yes a bit too much but I love it! Bit obsessive about logging but it's been an education. The only thing I've noticed is that my Iron and Calcium intake is low so taking multivits as well.

    Message to anyone else in my shoes: don't give up, keep going, be patient and you will get results!