Moose challenge!???

Hello everyone!:) I'm Emily and I'm on my schools crew team. We do somethin called moose challenges. Today I did one and my arms hurts, I was sweaty, and out of breath at times. I don't know what I burned though. But take a look at it and tell me what you think (takes about 25-40 minutes to complete)

Round 1:
1 lap(1/8 mile), then 5 inch worms, 30 jump rope

** (with a medicine ball, I used 10lbs)
* 21 high ball tosses
* 21 left side ball wall slams
* 21 didis with ball (lay on ur back, use ball to reach ur feet tht are up in the air)
* 21 right side ball wall slams
* 21 body weight squats (7 with ball overhead, 7 with ball out front, 7 without ball)
* 21 ball slams(on ground)

Round 2: 1 lap, 5 inch worms, 40 jump ropes
*18 reps of everything, except squats which are now Russian twist lunges

Round 3: 1 lap, 5 inch worms, 50 jump ropes
*12 reps of everything, except squats which are not burpees. :)no ball is needed for the burpees.